How You Meet: D.J

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~Your POV~

I was running. As fast as I could. Why was I running? You may ask.

Well today at school I was getting picked on and I was ignoring them like I always do but then they started picking on this girl who's a freshman. She's really nice and had nothing to do in this situation but those dimwits didn't care. They hit her and I kinda maybe might of hit one in their nose, elbow one in the stomach quite hard and throw my math book at the others head.

Turns out math books are useful after all.

How rude of me let me introduce myself. My name is Y/N Y/MN Y/LN. I'm a junior in high school. I'm 16 and I am the biggest loser at school. I get bullied.....a lot. Cause I'm gay. But I could care less.

Now that we got that out of the way let me continue.

Okay so that's why I'm running. I was jumping over things, climbing fences and dodging people here and there. Good thing I took parkour classes when I was kid. I thought I was going to be horrible at it turns out I was a natural.

I kept on running tell I bumped into a tall blonde girl. Knocking her on her butt.

"I'm so sorry." I quickly said helping her up. As I helped her up I looked up and saw her beautiful eyes. Wow she's beautiful. She also looks familiar. She opened her mouth to say something but was cut off when someone yelled.


I looked behind me and saw the 2 boys catching up. I quickly looked up horrified at the tall girl. I quickly apologized before running away once again.

I looked back to see if they were behind me and they were. Well 2 of them were. The one I threw the book at wasn't though. I took a turn to what ended up being an alley. But as soon as turned the corner I was met with a baseball hitting me in the the stomach knocking the air out of me.

I immediately dropped to my hands and knees. One of my hands holding my stomach and while I was gasping for air. Michael the guy I threw the book at he kicked me in the stomach. He picked me up by my shirt and punched me in the face.

Punch after Punch.

"HEY LEAVE HER ALONE." I heard someone yell.

He quickly threw me at the wall and I dropped to the floor coughing out blood. Michael and he's 2 friends ran away while I slowly tried to get up but couldn't. I slowly let the darkness take over.


Dinah's POV

I was walking around L.A cause the girls were in the studio and they were recording a song. Which I was already done recording my parts.

I was walking not really paying attention where I was going. Until a small body collided into me sending me to the floor. Wow for a small person they are really strong. I looked up and saw a very beautiful girl her gorgeous light blue eyes are amazing.

"I-I'm so s-sorry." She said helping me up. She looked into my eyes and I started into hers. I was going to say something but I stopped when someone yelled.


The small girl quickly looked behind her while I also looked behind her and saw 2 boys running towards us. She quickly looked at me horrified. She quickly apologized before running off. Not even 5 seconds later the 2 boys ran past me.

After I realized that they're going to hurt her I ran after them.

I was going to give up when I couldn't find them until I heard some muffled screams and whimpers I looked to my left and saw a boy holding up a small girl. Laying a punch after punch.

"HEY LEAVE HER ALONE." I yelled getting pissed.

He threw her to wall before running off with 2 other boys. I ran up to her and she had her eyes closed. She had blood coming out of her mouth, a busted lip, a cut above her right eyebrow, a bloody nose and a swollen eye. I gently picked her up and took her to the house I share with the girls.


After finally getting to the house which wasn't far and the small girl wasn't heavy so it wasn't hard. Before I can unlock the door Ally swung it opened and she looked extremely angry. But the angry expression quickly faded when she saw the small girl in my arms. 

"What happened?" She whispered worriedly.

"I don't know I saw some guys jumping her and I decided to stop it but I was to late they had already beat her up badly." I said sadly feeling like I could have protected her but failed. I don't even know the girls name and I feel this strong connection towards her.

I laid her in the guest room. Ally helped me clean up the small fragile girl. I left her some of my clothes even though I'm pretty sure they well fit her really big.

I walked back into the guest bedroom with some food. I looked up and saw that the little girl was starting to wake up.

She opened her eyes she looked around the room confused but her eyes quickly stopped when she saw me.

"H-Hey I uh brought you some food. Just in case you were hungry. I also cleaned your wounds. Your shirt was ripped and covered in blood so there's some spear clothes you can wear."

"How do you feel?" I said and gave her a small smile.

She looked at me. "Why did you help me."

"Cause you were getting hurt and I had to wait no I wanted to help." I said not breaking the eyes contact.

She sighed. "Well you would be a first." She mumbled.

"Hey I don't know why those assholes beat you up but as long as I'm around those assholes won't bother you. Cause you are now considered as one of my friends." Even though I want us to be more but I don't even know if she likes girls.


"Yea your right we can't be friends." She looked down sadly and she also had a frown one her face. Oh crap I made her feel sad.

"I can't be your friend if I don't know your name." I said giving her my best smile. She smiled showing her cute dimples.

"Y-Y/N my name is Y/N." She said shyly.

"Well nice to meet you Y/N my name is Dinah. And we are gonna be great friends." I said smiling but I plan on protecting her no matter what.

And I also plan on winning her heart.


Feel free to give me any suggestions
Love ya

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