I'm Sorry : L.J

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I woke up gasping for air. I felt as if I couldn't breath. I reached over my drawer that was next to my bed and got my inhaler.

Once I calmed down. I looked around the room. I sighed knowing that Lauren probably stayed working at the studio. She's been really busy lately. She told me that she was working on solo song. I completely understood.

Well she's been staying there for almost a week now. She always comes home late. She doesn't know about my nightmares. They only started up when one day well one night I was home alone when I heard noises coming from downstairs. I went down stairs to see what was the noise. I thought it was Lauren but boy was I wrong.

It was man. He only hit me with his bat in the ribs and back knocking me down to the floor. He took my guitar which I did cry about cause Lauren got it for me. She gave it to me on my birthday. Thing is she dosent know about this.

So that's why I've been having night mares. This only happened two days ago. I still have the big bruise on my ribs and back.

I've made sure that I lock everything before I got to bed now but now that I'm awake I can't go back to sleep. I sighed and got up. I slept in my sweats and a hoodie. I walked down stairs with my blanket and decided that maybe a some TV would help me go back to sleep.

I laid on the couch and curled up into a ball with my blanket turning on the TV. I smiled once I saw that Sponge Bob Square Pants was on.


Lauren's POV

I got out of the car. Finally home sweet home. I've missed Y/N a lot. I'm not home as much as I usually am. But that's because of the new song I'm recoding.

But Y/N has been acting diffrent. I don't know why but I'm going to ask her tomorrow. Cause she's probably asleep by now.

I looked up and saw a police officer holding what I think was guitar case. I quickly walked toward him.

"Can I help you officer?" I asked the officer as he was going to knock but stopped and looked at me.

"Well hello mama. I'm just here to drop of the guitar that Ms.Y/LN said was stolen. Don't worry we caught the burgler he was trying to sell it to someone. As for the alarm system it should be all good. Here you go." Be handed me the guitar case. I looked at him shocked. Wait someone broke into the house while Y/N was still in there.

"She's very lucky. That man could have killed her but she only got away with a few bruises. Well have a nice night mama." The officer smiled and walked away toward his car and drove away.

I looked down at the guitar case and realized that it was the one I gave her for her birthday. I made my way inside and put the guitar case in the closet next to the door.

I walked into the living room to hear Sponge Bob's laugh. I looked at couch and saw that Y/N was asleep curled up in a ball I smiled slightly.

Then it dawned on me. I could have lost her. I could have came that day and found her dead.

I carefully picked her up and went to carry her up stairs. I felt her stir in my arms. She quickly pushed me away causing me drop her. She fell on her back she hissed but crawled away.

"P-Please d-don't h-hurt m-me." She sobbed out as she pulled her knees up her chest as her back hit the wall. She put her head between. Her knees and cried.

The sight breaking my heart. I quickly walked towards her. I sat in front of her. Slowly rasing my hand to touch her. But she flinched.

I should have never stayed so late. If I didn't this wouldn't have happened.

"Y/NN babe it's me. LoLo." I said in my soft caring voice. She slowly looked up and quickly got my lap. She cried her eyes out into my neck. I slowly ran my fingers through her hair calming her. I soon felt her relax in my arms. I heard her steady breathing on my neck. I looked down and saw that she was asleep.

I carried her up stairs and into our room. I'm going to let her rest for now but tomorrow I'm going to ask her.


I woke up and saw that Y/N was still asleep. I untangled my self from her and went downstairs to get breakfast ready.

After I was done I tuned around to see Y/N standing there. Her eyes were slightly red and puffy.

"Hey babe come set and eat. I made breakfast."

She nodded and sat down next to me. We soon started eating.

After we were done eating I decided that now is better than never.

" Hey babe can I ask you something." I felt her tense but she nodded any way.

" Can I see your guitar I want to show you a song I've been working on." I smiled looking at her. Her eyes widen. She looked down and started to play with her fingers. A nervous habit that I picked up on when we first started dating two years ago.

"M-My guitar. Th-the onw you gave me?" She stuttered out. I nodded.

"I-I........I'm s-sorry Lauren I'm s-so s-sorry." She cried into her hands. I felt my heart break once again. I pulled her into a hug as she cried into my chest.

"T-two days ago I-I was here a-and th-then I h-heard noises c-coming from d-down stairs. S-So I c-came d-down stairs th-thinking i-it was you. B-But i-it w-wasn't it w-was someone else. H-He h-hit m-me and took the g-guitar. I'm so s-sorry. I-I'm s-so s-sorry I-I didn't t-tell you. I didn't w-want to worry y-you. I'm s-so sorry." She said pulling away from the hug. I was going to say something but she cut me off.

"Y-You pr-probably think I'm n-not responsible a-and th-that it-it's m-my f-fault. I-I....I'm s-so sorry." She said looking down. I got up and went to the front door. It probably looked like I was leaving. I got the guitar case out of the closet and went back to the kitchen to see Y/N crying even more than before.

"Babe it's okay." I got in front of her and showed her the guitar case. I opened the guitar case and took out the red guitar. It was nice. It didn't have scratches like I thought it would.

"H-How?" She managed to stuttered out as she took the guitar in her shaky hands. Looking down at it as she ran her fingers over it.

"There was an officer out side yesterday and he told me what happened and that he got the guitar back." I said.  She put the guitar and down and quickly jumped in my arms. She buried her face into my neck.

"I-I'm so sorry." She cried into my neck.

"Stop apologizing it wasn't your fault. I could replace another guitar Y/N but I can't replace you the officer told me that that ass could have killed you. I don't know what I would have done if he did and I came home that day to find you died. I should be the one telling you sorry for leaving you alone and not being here for you. So I'm sorry."

She looked up at me. "It's not you fault too." She whispered. Before I could argue with her I remembered the cop telling me that Y/N only got away with a few bruises.

"Can I see the bruises." She hesitantly nodded. She carefully took off her well my hoodie hissing at the process.

I looked down to see a bruise on her ribs. I gasped on how big it was. I slowly ran fingers over it causing her to jump.

" Sorry." She nodded her head saying it was okay. She then turned around. I looked down only to see that there was also a big bruise on her back. I let a single tears fall out. I turned her around once again and pulled her into a hug. Careful not to hurt her.

" I'm never leaving you alone again. That's a promise."



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