Always be Here for you: N.K

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I woke up coughing and sneezing. I feel like shit. I couldn't even open my eyes. I felt around the bed but was met with cold sheets. I then remembered that Normani was going to be out at the studio in the morning. I sighed I felt my throat burning.

I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. Puking my stomach out.

After what felt like forever I felt my stomach calming, a little bit. I slowly got up flushing the toilet. I walked to the sink and brushed my teeth. I looked up at the mirror and almost scared my self.

I look like a ghost.

Maybe a warm shower would help. I got some clothes and got in the shower.

After I was done I stepped out. Only to slip and fall. Hitting my jaw on toilet seat and my nose on the hard floor. Knocking me out cold leaving me on floor butt naked.


I groaned as I tried to open my eyes. I was facing down on the floor. My jaw is killing me. I felt warm liquid on my nose. I slowly got up lifting my self using the counter. I looked in the mirror and saw hat my nose was red and getting purple. My jaw, the right side was purple like dark purple. Well at least it isn't broken.

My body was aching. I quickly but carefully changed into some sweats and a hoodie with some socks. I slowly brushed my hair and went back to bed.

I slowly laid down not bothering to check my phone and went back to sleep.


I heard my phone ring. I reached for it my eyes still being closed. Once I felt it under my finger tips I picked it up answering it.

I tried to say hello but I couldn't. "Y/N why haven't you been answering our calls. We have been worried sick. Normani is in tears cause she thinks your dead. Why haven't you been answering." Lauren said. Well I think it's Lauren.

I tried to say something but nothing came out. "Y/N say something." I tried I really did but nothing came out.

"Y/N if you don't say something right now. We are coming over." I couldn't speak. I think I lost my voice.

"Y/N! Babe. What's wrong answer me." That's Normani she sounded so worried why can't I say anything. I tried to. I really did but nothing came out.

"Okay that's it I'm coming home." And with that she hung up. I tried to get up but I couldn't. I have never been this sick.

I closed my eyes falling asleep once again.


Normani's POV

We tried a hundred time probably more trying to reach Y/N but she wouldn't answer. She should answer she told me she wasn't going anywhere today.

"Girls go. Go make sure she's okay." Out manager Bob said. We all quickly nodded and got up running out of the studio.


"Y/N?" I yelled out but got no reply. That only spiked up how I felt. Which was scared, worried and nervous.

I ran upstairs with the girls behind me. I ran toward our room and opened the door only to see Y/N covered in three blankets. I quickly rushed towards her to see that she was paler than she usually is. Her nose was red and bruised same with the right side of her jaw. I touched her cheek and she was burning hot. Even though she looked really pale.

"Y/N? Babe wake up." Her eyes slowly opened as her normal light blue eyes were now a greyish color. She smiled slightly she opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. She frowned. She tried to sit up but hissed in pain. I quickly took a hold of her shoulders and gently pushed her back down.

"Hey lay down. Girls- we're on it." And with that the three ran out of the room. I smiled and looked back down at Y/N. she looked up at me her grey eyes filled guilt.

"Hey it's okay." I leaned down and kissed her burning forehead. "You'll be okay." I touched her cheek and she flinched. Then I remembered the bruise that was on her jaw.

"You're going to tell me what happened as soon as you get your voice back." I said sternly. She nodded slowly closing her eyes.

Soon the girls came back with medicine, warm soup, movies and snacks.


It's been three days since I've been sick and I could barely talk. My throat still burned when I did so I tried not to speak.

Normani and the girls have been here for me since that day. Lauren, Dinah and Ally are like sisters to me.

"Hey babe. How do you feel?" I looked to my side to see Normani smiling down at me. I shrugged sitting up slowly with the help of Mani.

"I-I'm okay." I whispered. My voice coming rasper than it usually is.

"I really missed your voice." She said kissing my cheeks that were red now. And hey weren't red cause of me being sick.

"Your fans and the Harmonizers also miss your voice. Dinah posted something about you being sick and not being able to speak. They send their love to you." I smiled slightly.

"Here drink your medicine." She handing me a small cup of green liquid. I scrunched up my nose disgust. That shit is nasty.

I then heard that giggle I fell in love with. "You're cute but come on you have to drink this in order to get better so come on. Drink up." I sighed and drank it as fast as could. Mani then handed me a bottle of water.

Once I was finished I laid down pulling Mani with me. She smiled as I laid my head on her chest. She started running her fingers through my hair.

"I fell." I whispered trying not to hurt my throat. "I hit my jaw on toilet seat and my nose on the floor. When I got out of the shower." I whispered. I felt Mani sigh.

"I'm never leaving you alone again. No matter what you say."

I smiled slightly. "Thank you for being here." I said my voice cracking a little cause of my sickness.

"I'll always be here for you babe. I love you." She said kissing my cheek. I smiled.

"I love you too."

All imagine next. Ideas?

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