Chapter 4 • Invitation •

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Chapter 4 • Invitation

Erk! Erk! Erk! Erk!

I groaned loudly as the annoying sound of my alarm blared through my entire bedroom.

It was Saturday so I don't have to go to work today and why I set the alarm still? I have no idea. I now regret it with every bone in my body.

I rolled out of bed and landed on the floor with a thump. I groaned but did not get up. I've just noticed how soft my rug is.

After what felt like hours, which probably was just a few minutes I peeled myself from my bedroom floor. I tutted my way to the bathroom and locked the door.

After my shower I pulled on a pair of sweat pants and a sport's bra. I decided that today I'll work out to get my mind off of what is currently happening with my life.

I grabbed a small towel and walked out of my bedroom. Once I'm in my living room I notice the small envelope that was at the bottom of my floor. Someone had slipped it under my door.

I picked up the envelope and read the cursive writing at the top that spelled my name. I grew curious and opened it. Inside was what looked like an invitation.

Proving my suspicion it really was an invitation to The Ranolli's 55th Anniversary Ball. The Ranolli's were quite nice people despite their wealth.

They have businesses all around the world and ten percent of the income goes to the sheltering home they have here for the homeless.

Sadly their generosity did not pass onto their children. Drake Ranolli is an asshole to put it simple. He wasn't always like that but ever since I turned him down he completely changed towards me. I have to admit he is good looking but the time he took interest in me was the time I was sworn upon an oath to steer clear of men.

Now I know it sounds stupid but I don't think I can handle what I went through with Dylan again. If I don't let anyone near me then no one can hurt me. Hell, I had nothing to lose but now I have my company to live for.

Drake's sister isn't that different either. Kyliene Ranolli. Ehk, even her name has a bad after taste. So, Kyliene and I go way back. When I say way back I mean preschool.

In highschool she was my number one enemy. We always competed with each other. She always thought of me as the dirt that she walks on. I was poor and she was rich so she thought she was better than me. Well everybody in that matter. She thinks very highly of herself.

I remember graduation day. Dressed in our purple gowns, heads held high.

"Hey, look she managed to graduate. How did you pay for this? Your diner job?", Kyliene sneered as her friends laughed at her lame ass joke.

"I'm sorry, I don't speak stupid. Care to translate?", I deadpanned. I turned to walk away but was seized by a manicured hand.

As I turned around a slapping sound was heard and my face was forced to the side and a sting followed.

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