Chapter 11 •I Can't Help You•

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Chapter 11 •I Can't Help You

I looked at the woman with mixed emotions. Excitement being one along with confusion.

"I know it's a lot to take in since I came out of the blue but I've always wanted to meet you", she clasped her hands together.

"Oh, yeah but that's okay. Would you like to come in?", I gestured to my penthouse. She nodded and I lead the way up. I was a bit overwhelmed since I always wanted to know my family. It's kind of hard to track them if you know not one thing about them. Not even names or where they came from. My mom never really mentioned her place of birth. I asked once but she told me that it doesn't matter because her life was here now with dad and me. I wonder what she would think about Claire being here.

I opened my door and let her step in first. She examined my front room with an awed expression. She sat on a couch and I took a seat opposite hers.

"So, how are you?", she asked.

"I'm good. And you?", I crossed my legs.

"I'm fine", she shrugged as it was nothing, "I suppose your mother never talked about us?".

"No... I'm sorry", I murmured.

"Yeah, I figured. If I was disowned I would probably act as if we were dead too", she shook her head.

"You said us...", I trailed off.

"Oh, our family. Mom, dad, our brother, Carson, etcetera", she spoke.

"So I have an uncle, too", I smiled.

"Yes, and don't forget cousins. Carson has three children. Andrea who's 29, Jenn who's 24 and Fanny who's 20 whilst I have two. Chloe who's 25 and Brandon who's 19", she grinned as she spoke about our family.

"I asked my mother this before but I never got an answer: What was the feud between both my grandparents about?", I asked.

"Well, you may not know this but my parents owned an antique shop. They sold ancient figures that they auction off to the highest bidders because most of them are rare. It brought people from all over the world to come visit the shop so the income was able to take care of us. A new antique store opened across the street from us and it took about seventy percent of our customers. We were bankrupted and had to sell all of our antigues on the internet for less more than they were worth. Mom and dad didn't care as long as everything got sold and we had a little money in the bank account.

"A few months later the other antique store became more popular than it already was. They got to upgrade and expanded it. Then out of nowhere we found out that your mother was dating the owners' son. Our parents were outraged. Dad stormed over to the store and had a huge argument with the owners warning them to keep their son away from his daughter.

"It resulted in a lot of swear words and antiques being broken then dad got arrested. Mom used the last of our money to bail him. Dad then forbid your mother from seeing your father but she flat out refused saying she's in love with him and all. Dad told her that she would either stop seeing him or she is no longer his daughter or a part of the family and to get her stuff and leave. She broke down.

"Then said the words 'I know you're upset father. I always looked up to you and thought you were my hero and one of the best persons in the world. But to threaten your own daughter away from the man she loves is low even for you. I hope everything works out for all of you but if that's the way you people are I don't want to be in your family' with that she went to her room and packed her belongings and left.

"Mom broke down in tears but didn't stop her. She didn't want to anger father anymore. The next day I decided to go and talk to your father but was informed that he and your mother left to start a new life. I told my patents but they didn't do anything. Dad said it was for the best. From that day we've never heard from her again.

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