Chapter 16 *Luke*

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Chapter 16 *Luke*

After picking Rebecca up from the floor and carrying her to bed I stormed out of her penthouse. How dare someone try to portray her as such. I was beyond furious. I arrived at my parents' home in no time.

Hopping out of my car I stalked to the front door opening it without knocking. Nessa and Cassie were lounging around in the front room. Cassie stood as she saw me.


I ignored her and made my way up the stairs. My father's office was on the second floor. Barging into his office I spotted him staring out of the window at the side of the room.

"Ahh, it's nice of you to join me, son", my father spoke.

"Cut to the chase I don't have time to waste on you. What is it you wanted to see me about?", I folded my arms as I stood in front of his big oak desk.

"But you're wasting your time with a whore. I don't see you complaining", he turned around shooting me a dark look.

I clenched my teeth and balled my hands into fists. It took everything in me not to walk over to him and pound in his face. The mere fact that he was my father prevented me.

"Don't you dare refer to her as that", I growled glaring at him.

"Oh, defensive are we?", he mocked, "Let me get straight to the point-- I'm taking the company from you."

It took about ten seconds for his words to finally sink in. "What?"

"I've decided that after all these years and your womanizing hasn't eased up, you are not fit to run my company", he said with a straight face.

"You can't do that. How old do you think I am? Twenty? After I've been running the company for about ten years now you think you can just take everything away from me just like that after I've built it back from nothing which you caused, you want to take it back?", I asked bewildered, "I won't let you."

"I never expected you to just hand over the company back to me without a fight, Luke. But quite frankly, you can't do anything about it. The company is still in my name so therefore I'm still the owner. You were just the CEO of my company. I'm willing to give you a choice though. It's the company or the girl", he smirked.

After staring at him for about thirty seconds I doubled over in laughter. I couldn't stop laughing. After a moment of trying to get myself together I stood up and smiled at him.

"You know, I knew you would've tried something like this. A year after you turned over the company to me I was working on a huge project with Racillo. Remember the day I came to you for your signature to finalize the agreement? Did you honestly think I'd need your signature to complete anything regarding to the company? What you signed was a contract that cuts all ties of you to the company and makes me the rightful owner. That's how it's suppose to be once you retired anyways but knowing you I did it in case you pulled something like this", I hissed out at him.

He just stood there rigid glaring at me, "You did what?!", he exclaimed.

"Look, the company isn't in your name anymore so there's nothing you can do. I will definitely still be with Rebecca so just drop it. I'll take my leave now", with that being said I made my way to the door.

I opened the door just to have it slam against the wall due to Nessa and Cassie leaning on it resulting in them falling to the ground. I narrowed my eyes at them. Did they forget this room is sound proof? I shook my head and made my way out.

Taking my phone out I called the first person that came to mind that could help me out in this situation.

"Stone", the devil himself answered.

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