Chapter 8 • Tourists •

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Chapter 8 • Tourists •

I was in heaven.

Our lips moved in sync as our tongues battled. Luke's left hand was around my waist holding me against him as his right tangled in my hair.

I let out an involuntary moan. I couldn't help it. He was an amazing kisser and my mind wandered to thinking about how many women he had practiced on to be this skilled in lip locking.

That was like cold water being poured over my head bringing me back to reality. The redhead and their position flashed into my mind.

With the little strength Luke's mind blowing kiss had left me I pushed him away disconnecting our lips.

I was panting as if I had just ran a marathon. I wiped the back of my hand over my lips and glared at Luke.

"What the hell was that?!", I shrieked at him.

"A kiss?", he asked.

"Ugh!", I was fuming. I was angry at Luke but also at myself. As soon as his lips touched mine I could have pulled away. But no I had to be caught up in how amazing the kiss was and be battling tongues.

"Do not kiss me like that again, Luke. I'm not one of those women you toy with and throw away whenever you like", I growled.

He laughed. Yes. He laughed. I was seconds away from wrapping my hands around his neck and squeezing as tight as a vice grip.

"You think I want to use you?", he asked as he finally recovered from his laughing fit.

"That's the person you are. You use women", I glared at him.

"I've always wondered why people think of you as uptight and stuck up. Since the day I met you I've never figured it until now. Ever heard of 'a person's past does not define them'? But clearly the person who made that quote hasn't met you"

"What's that supposed to mean?", I asked stupidly.

"When last have you been touch? Aroused? I bet my life that it's been a while. Why? Because of something that happened in the past right?", he asked.

I looked away. I couldn't even answer because what he just said was one hundred percent true. I haven't been touched in years and it's all because of Dylan.

"Where are you going with this, Luke?"

"Would it kill you to loosen up? At this rate you're going to end up a lonely, bitter old lady", he stated.

"If that's you're way to try to get me in your bed, then the answer is no", I crossed my arms.

"You think this is to get you in bed? Ha, real smart, Rebecca because I dont have women lined up waiting for the opportunity for me to take interest in them, right? Don't flatter yourself. I'm saying it to help you. Don't want me to bed you? Fine. Just live a little", with that he turned around and walked out of the house.

My face flushed with embarrassment. How stupid was I to think that I thought Luke even consider bedding me.

I went after him.

I found him on the beach tossing shells into the water. "Can we just forget what just happened? I'm stuck with you for six days and I don't fathom us not being on good terms", I murmured.

I folded my arms and looked at the sand at my feet. I was a coward. I couldn't face him. He called me out on my flaw and I couldn't even deny it. I was ashamed of myself that I let my anger and grudge towards Dylan and Anna fester and ruined love for me for the last six years.

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