Chapter 22 • He's Here •

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Chapter 22 •He's Here•

It's been a week and a half since we came to Italy and I have to thank my sister for being her persistent self and not allowing me to back out.

I've gotten to know my parents. They're amazing to say the least. There was one downfall though. They were dropping hints about me staying especially Audrey.

As the days go by more and more hints are dropped. My room getting customized, going shopping for months worth of clothes and Audrey introducing me to her male friends in a not so subtle way.

The streets of Italy where my parents' home was now familiar to me. Well, seeing as we passed through it everyday doing different things.

"Audrey! Will you slow down? I think you might have dislocated my shoulder", I whined as I wrenched my hand from Audrey's grip as she dragged me down a stone path. I groaned as I rubbed my poor shoulder.

"Will you hurry up? We'll never get there if you're going to continue in that snail pace."

Don't kill her. Don't kill her. Don't kill her.

"Where the heck are we going anyways? This looks like a scene in a horror movie", I observed our surroundings.

The only thing I could see other than the stone path was trees. Lots and lots of trees. Apart from the creepy peacefulness it was kind of calm and relaxing as the birds sang above us.

"You'll find out when we get there", she waved, "Come along", with that she proceeded to march along the stone path.


"Okay, stop. I can't do this anymore", I said between deep breathes. We've been walking for thirty more minutes and we still hadn't reached out destination.

"Who are we going to meet on this long walk? Jesus?!", I managed to exclaim.

"Not who but what. Don't worry it'll be worth it."

"You're not even sweating!"

"I'm use to this. It's not my fault you're unfit", she smirked and blew me a kiss as I shot a glare her way.

Huffing, I straightened up and continued to walk. Ten more minutes of walking we finally reached. Thank God!

I felt like a baby dear taking it's first steps and my legs wobbled.

"You're do overdramatic", Audrey rolled her eyes.

"Well, excuse me for not being use to walking an hour and five minutes down a stone path, Ms. I'm-fit-and-don't-sweat', I mocked.

"Anyways! Welcome to Audreylessio", she exclaimed.

I started to laugh, "Are you serious? Audreylessio?"

"Shh! We were kids and wanted to name the place after ourselves, okay", she turned red with embarrassment.

I wasn't really listening to what she was saying as I was struck by how beautiful the scene in front of me was.

Crystal clear water which the sun reflected on enhancing it's beauty even more stood proudly in the center of tons of exotic flowers. I've never seen such flowers like these in my entire life.

Petals of various shapes, sized and colours. I slowly walked towards the lake and couched down next to it. Sweeping my hand at the top of the water I found out it was warm.

"Great, right?", Audrey broke yet silence.

"That would be an understatement", I smiled as I saw tiny fish swim pass me.

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