Chapter 18 •Clue•

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Chapter 18 •Clue

It's been a week since Luke's announcement. The letters have stopped but for some reason it feels like the calm before the storm. I'm probably paranoid but I can't shake the feeling off.

I've finally decided to meet Nate as he requested a week ago. I was a little skeptical but I should at least give him this. At one point he was a huge figure in my life and it would be ungrateful of me to just pretend he doesn't exist now. I've gotten the time that I needed and I'm willing to hear what he has to say.

Audrey got a job. Not a major one. But as a sale's clerk at a clothing store called Exquisite. She was so excited about working again, she woke me up at an ungodly hour to help her choose an outfit.

Now, me being in between sleep and wake I don't even remember what we decided on. I just hope it looks appropriate.

Luke started going back to doing his duties after three days of me insisting. I didn't want to be the reason he abandoned his company. I know he's worried about me after everything but I couldn't let that happen.

It was 9:38am and I just hopped out the shower. I agreed to meet Nate for breakfast at this local diner a few minutes from here at 10:00am. I left home starving and entering the diner just to be suffocated by the mouth watering aroma didn't do me any justice.

I spotted Nate a few tables away from where I stood. He had a steaming mug of coffee in front of him as he was flipping through what looked like a newspaper. I walked over towards him as he lifted his gaze to mine.

Nate stood as he saw me approaching and smiled. I returned the smile but I'm sure it wasn't as warm as his. He pulled out my chair and took his seat.

"I'm glad you agreed to meet with me", he started, "I already ordered, if you don't mind."

"Not at all", I placed my handbag on my lap, "What did you want to talk about?"

"First of all I want to apologize-"


"No, let me talk. I know that I've been an ass to you. I realized that. If you were to hire someone I had a bad past with and refused to fire them after I talked to you about it, I wouldn't have liked it neither. The last two months have been hell for me. You were a constant in my life for the last six years and to have you just disappear from it took some adjusting. I still haven't adjusted to not being able to talk to you or see you. To be your best friend. Your Nate. To top it off, the company hasn't been the same without you. The interviews for new employees have been killing me. I fired Anna. Not only because I was feeling guilty and she started acting like a pest but because I found out something I think you should know."

Nate's head was starting to throb as he went through his fifth batch of files that needed his signature. He pressed the button on his intercom, "Anna, get me a burger, some aspirin and a bottle of water", he removed his finger. Usually, he would get a reply right away but five seconds have passed and still no reply.

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