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"Jack Finnegan!" I yelled in a whisper tone, following behind him.

Of course he ignored me.

"Jack!" I yelled as his fist came in touch with Kyle's face.

Kyle, not being weak or afraid punched Jack back.

I yelled and screamed and no one listened to me. I felt like I was invisible.

I don't even know why he's doing this.

"Don't ever put your hand on her again" Jack growled as Kyle coughed up some blood.

"Jack we need to go to the hospital" Shayla said, leading him out of the restaurant.

She's always good with emergency situations.

Once we got in the car Shayla left to go find Johnson, giving us some alone time. She said she would meet us at the hospital.

"What were you thinking back there?!" I yelled.

"I saw your arm" he looked at me in a monotone, as I looked down at my bruise that I failed to convince cover up.

"Jack—" I started.

"You don't have to say anything. I know" he said.

"Why would you do that? I— I thought you didn't care about me?" I tried getting out.

"I don't care about you?" He started laughing hysterically.

"What's funny?" I knotted my eyebrows, feeling offended.

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard" he said.

"Why is that dumb?" I asked.

"Han, you're the most important thing to me. Don't you see that?" He looked in my eyes.

"Well, we're not even together so why would I think that?" I asked.

"Well am I important to you?" He asked.

"This is a dumb" I rolled my eyes.

"I am aren't I? I have to be" he laughed.

"Jack, when we stopped talking it killed me" I told him honestly.

"And you think it didn't effect me?!" He raised his voice.

"Well, you seemed to be doing fine. I heard you were planning to go in a double date with JJ and Shayla yourself!" I yelled back.

"Yeah, with you!" He yelled.

"Wait, what?" I knotted my eyebrows.

"I was going to get you back and we go with them... Your the one that moved on with that guy" he said in a softer tone.

"I don't like Kyle. I mean he's attractive and all but he's soo not my type. I just wanted to find someone before you did" I honestly told him.

He just sighed and started the car. I could tell he was exhausted. I also just called a different guy attractive.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

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