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Phil -8 years Dan -4 years

"Phil, you're back!" Dan laughs as he lunges onto Phil. He gives him a hug, and jumps around in circles. "I waited for you allllll day. I missed you."

Phil laughs, and ruffles his best friends hair. "I missed you to, but I still got to do my homework, Danny." Phil says sadly.

Dan gives a grumpy face with his bottom lip sticking out. "Ugh. I hate school. We can't play when you're doing school stuff." Dan whines.

"I know Danny, but you'll start school soon. Then you don't have to wait for me all day, and when it's over we can do homework together." Phil says with a smile. He hated doing homework, but he looked on the bright side of things. He knew it made Dan feel better, and that's what mattered.

Dan's face lights up. "Really?" He says. His big brown eyes are shining up at Phil with hope, and his cute little dimple is showing. Phil had grown to appreciate how Dan looked when he was really happy. It made him happy.

"Really." Phil said.

Thats when Dan's mom came from the living room laughing at something Phil's mom said. She looked at the boys, and smiled. "Come on Dan it's time we went home, sweetie. I'm sorry you didn't get to spend much time with Phil, but you will see him tommorow." She says with a small smile.

Dan frowns, and mumbles okay before him and his mom walk out with a goodbye. Phil watches them leave, and smiles. He can't wait to see his best friend again.


"Dan, Guess what."


"It's the weekend."

"What does that mean?"

"IT MEANS YOU CAN STAY OVER!" Phil shouts excitedly. He then throws a couch pillow in the air for effect.

Dan giggles. "YAY! That means that we can play without no school or homework ALL NIGHT."

"Exactly. Just me, you, and...THE TICKLE MONSTER." Phil exclaims.

He attacks Dan in tickles who giggles uncontrollably and squirms to get away, but Phil's tickles are just to strong.

"Philly, STOP." Dan says between laughter. Phil is chuckling at Dan's flustered face and many giggles, but Dan's wheezing manages to make him stop. Phil stands over Dan triumphant in every way. He stares down at him, and smiles.

Dan looks at him with his young observant eyes. "Phil, you have pretty eyes. They remind me of the pool we went to last summer. All shimmery and stuff." He says smiling.

Phil grins back. "Why, thank you, Danny. Do you remember what color they are?" He says quizzically.

Dan thinks for a moment. He was still kind of learning his colors.  "Blue?"

"Correct. You're very smart, Dan." Phil says with a genuine smile.

Dan giggles, and looks at Phil's eyes deeply again. "I think blue might be my favorite color." he whispers.

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