10|The Knight Is Young

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Phil -18 Dan-14

Dan was sitting in his room studying, when his phone vibrated. His eyes lit up as he saw it was text from Phil. Phil had turned 18 today, and he was out celebrating with his friends. Dan couldn't drink yet so he chilled at home. He at least got to attend the family party Phil's mum Melanie had thrown for Phil. It was actually very fun.

Hey, Dan. Can you meet me at the park tonight?

Phil, it's midnight. Are you okay?

Of course I am. I just miss you.

I miss you too, but there is no way my parents are going to let me out.

Please. Just sneak out. It's my birthday, and I'm officially an adult. I want to spend time with my best friend.

Okay, I'll see you there.

See you soon xx

Dan couldn't not go see Phil. He has been crushing on him for years now, and Phil was going off to college soon. He shuddered. He'd miss him so much.

Dan slipped on a coat because January was very cold. He trudged down the stairs silently, and went out the front door. No one stopped him, and no lights came on. He was in the clear.

When he got to the park he saw Phil sitting on a swing lost in thought. He looked so at peace. The moonlight hit his pale skin just right, and his black hair matched the color of the sky. His blue eyes were dark in the lighting, but they were still beautiful. Oh, and there sits the reason I questioned my sexuality, Dan thinks to himself.

"Hey." He says to Phil. He sits next to him on a different swing.

Phil looks startled at first, but then he smiles at Dan. "You look just dashing in the moonlight, Dan. Like a knight in shining armor." He says happily.

Dan laughs, and gives a confused look. "Thank you?"

"You have a nice laugh, Dan. You always have. You have nice, nice little dimples and pretty, pretty bright eyes." Phil starts. "I always used to think about how much prettier you were when you happy than when you were sad. But you were pretty even then too." Phil giggled.

It is then when Dan realized that Phil is extremely drunk. He still blushes though because they say drunk words are sober thoughts, and Dan liked to think Phil means what he says to him.

"Buddy, I think you are very intoxicated." Dan says laughing.

Phil laughs because Dan did. "Maybe I am inTOXICated, Daniel but I don't care. I feel FREE! You know Toxic is a song by Britney Spears, and I rather like it. It reminds me of you!" Phil squeals.

Dan laughs. "Does it now?" He says with a curious smile.

Phil nods, and then his voice gets real quiet. "Sometimes the stars remind me of you, because they are bright and beautiful, yet out of reach." He says staring at them. "And I cry because I don't think I've ever loved someone so much."

Dan stares at Phil. He really wishes that he wasn't drunk, and they were having this conversation in the future. "I love you too." He says.

Phil shakes his head. "No no no, Danny. You don't understand. I've loved you forever, and I've wanted to kiss you for so long. But you are too young for me. Today I turned 18 Dan, and now if I dared tried to touch you I'd be a creep. And all I've ever wanted to do was touch you. I want to hold you, and stare into your eyes. Because you got a pair of nice eyes. And I just can't because you're a kid. I'm disgusting."

By this point Phil was crying. Dan had never dealt with a drunk person before, but he knew they didn't ever remember stuff in the morning, and he felt grateful for that. He wished he was drunk too because if what Phil was saying was the truth Dan didn't want to know it.

He got in front of Phil who was sobbing on the swing. He held Phil in his arms, and let him cry. He smelt of alcohol, but Dan didn't mind. "It's okay, Phil. You'll be okay. You're not a creep, okay. I love you. You'll be okay. Everything's okay." He whispered to Phil.

Phil stopped crying. "I'm sorry, Dan." He wimpered. "You're so perfect and young, and I'm a mess. God, I wish we were kids again."

Dan hugged Phil tighter before whispering, "I wish I could go back just so I'd get the chance to fall in love with you all over again."


2020 edit because of the comments I've seen. this is not illegal. anything within four years is legal where I'm at. They're both in high school. yes, he feels gross, but NOT because it's illegal, it's more of a morals thing. Thank you for your time.

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