35|This Little Piggy Loves You

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AN: I mean Idk, but this may trigger somebody. this is kind of serious, just mentions of ED

"Pj you need to see someone. It's been two years. I'm worried about you, babe."

"Chris how many times do I have to tell you that I'm completely fine?"

"You say that every day, and you're most definitely not fine. I can tell. I love you too much to see you hurt like this."

Pj sighs, "It's been working. I'm finally down forty pounds. I promise that I will only lose ten more."

Chris grabs Pj's hands, "It's not healthy for you."

Pj lets go, "It will make me look prettier! Don't you want me to be pretty!"

"You're the most handsome boy I've ever laid eyes on!"

"But I'm too fat, Chris! I want to be skinny."

"Pj you're perfect! Who told you this?"

Pj sighs, and looks at the ground, "Darla."

Chris runs his fingers through his hair, "Why did I ever let her get to you like this? God, I'm an idiot."

"Chris, it isn't your fault. Darla may have been horrible, but she helped me realize that I needed to lose weight. I'm finally starting to look different."

"You've been saying that for two years," Chris said, "I've listened to you talk bad on yourself, and shame your perfect body for two years."

"I'm far from perfect, Chris."

"As I've said, to me you are perfect. No matter how much you weigh."

"You're just saying that! Everyone is just trying to make me feel better because I'm ugly! I'm disgusting aren't I? You just pity me, you don't love me. How can someone love a fat queer like me!"

And Pj's crying now. Thrashing out at Chris, and sobbing uncontrollably, "I just want to be beautiful!"

Chris grabs his flailing hands again, and pulls Pj into his chest. Pj is shaking, and crying loudly, but he lets Chris calm him down. Chris hugs him close, and kisses the top of Pj's head.

He can feel his spine, and his ribs against his stomach, and it makes Chris wince to see how much weight he had lost. He was so fragile. He felt like nothing.

"You are beautiful, Pj. So, so beautiful."


"You've made excellent progress, Mr. Liguori."

"Thank you, Doctor Geo."

She smiled, "Keep up this diet, and you'll be back to a healthy weight in no time. I suggest that if you must exercise you may only do it once this week for no more than an hour. I wouldn't want you lose the weight that you gain back."

Pj took a deep breath, and Chris grabbed his hand and smiled, "Okay," Pj said, "I'll see you next month for a last check-in, right?"

"Correct. Goodbye, Mr. Liguori."

Chris and Pj sat up, and left the office. Pj was a little squirmy. He was always nervous every time he checked in. He was constantly scared that something would be wrong, but he'd been doing very well. He was just getting used to eating normally again, and he'd been seeing Dr. Geo once a month for five months.

Chris has showered him in compliments everyday since they started. Telling him that he was beautiful, amazing, fantastic, and wonderful, until he was so flustered he made him stop.

Chris squeezed his hand, "How are you feeling?"

Pj took another deep breath, "Better than I ever have in two years."

Chris smiled and kissed his cheek, "I'm very glad to hear that, beautiful."

Pj blushed, "I told you to stop calling me that."

"Calling you what?"


"Are we talking about you?"

"Shut up!" Pj yelled with a bright smile on his face. He pushes Chris, but doesn't let go of his hand.

Chris laughed, "But if my mouth is shut, how am I supposed to suck your dick?"

Pj's mouth opened in shock, "Chris!"

Chris laughed again at how cute he looked when he was shocked, "I'm sorry did I get you excited?"

Pj narrowed his eyes, "I hate you."

"You're weren't saying that last night."

"Fuck you."

"Later," Chris smirked.

My memory still has never been the best when it comes to there relationship. Probably because I'm so busy fangirling. But as I recall, and maybe you know this too, but they skipped home, and had gay butt sex. Nice, kinky, loud, and very queer, butt sex.

Yes, again.

And no, I can't give you details. Just now they were very happy.

And they stayed together forever, because how can one leave if he can't walk.

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