11|I Saw You Leave Me For The Last Time

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Phil woke up to his head pounding like a drum. He didn't remember a thing. He tries to reach out for a single memory from last night, but he can only see flashes of events.

Lights. He sees a lot of lights, and bodies. Alive, mind you. He sees Paige wishing him a happy birthday her purple hair seeming to glow. He remembers drinking. A lot. Every girl there was flirting with him, but he only wanted Dan. Oh god, Dan. He remembers the park, and Dan's laugh. He was with Dan drunk, oh no no no.

Phil suddenly shoots up. He realizes he's in Dan's bed. Oh god, he didn't do anything to Dan did he? Usually when he wakes up in a strange bed with no memory it means that Phil was going through a another person trying to forget Dan. He hopes he didn't actually fuck Dan. Because he could never do something like that to him.

He hears steady breathing on the floor next to him, and sees the star of his life in all of his beauty asleep. Alright, this probably means that nothing happened. He stares at him for a while trying to remember last night, but he has no recollection of the things he said.

Think Phil. What did you do with Dan at that park? He can remember Dan in his arms whispering reassuring things into his ear while he sobs, but he can't remember what it was about. His can still feel Dan pull him off of a swing, and practically drag him home. He remembers throwing up on some poor persons lawn on the way there.

"You probably hate me for letting you see me like this." Phil says.

Dan shakes his head, and smiles, "Phil, if I didn't love you I wouldn't be here while you're sick all over Mrs. Reverens petunias."

Phil smiles. A memory. That's when Dan wakes up slowly, and makes eye contact with Phil. They stare at each other for a while.

Phil smirks, "Good morning, sleeping beauty. I thought you'd never wake. This bed is quite lonely."

Dan rolls his eyes. "You were drunk as frick last night." He says tiredly.

"I know. I can barely remember anything, and my head feels like it's gone through a shredder."

Dan looks up at him worriedly. "What do you remember?"

"The party, sort of. Drinks. The park. Throwing up."

Dan's eyes widen at Phil. "You don't remember what we talked about at the park, do you?" He really hopes Phil doesn't remember, but at the same he wants Phil to tell him that he meant every word he said. Because Dan sure did.

"No, not at all. What'd we talk about?" Phil is scared to hear the answer. Whatever he said was enough to make them both cry. He remembers that.

"Nothing." Dan says in a monotone. He then lays back down, and turns his back to Phil. So he really doesn't remember confessing his love to me.

He heard Phil take a deep breath. "I was very drunk, so I probably didn't mean anything I said if it was weird. You know how drunk people are, Danny." He says.

Dan's heart hurts a little, and he wish he was never stupid enough to go to that stupid park with such a high chance of Phil being drunk. He wishes he would have called a cab to take Phil home instead of taking him to his own house himself. He wishes he would have said no when Phil asked if he would hold him until he fell asleep. He wishes that he had been the drunk one.

But most of all he really wishes that Phil hadn't called him Danny. Phil only calls him Danny when he's lying, or treating him like a little kid.


"Phil, please don't go." Dan said into his shoulder. Inhaling his scent for the last time in probably many months.

"Dan, you'll see me for Christmas, and when summer rolls around you'll see me then." Phil says reassuringly. He traces shapes on Dan's back hoping that it will soothe the younger boy.

"I know, but it's the longest time I will have ever been away from you." Dan says with tears in his eyes. "I don't want you to go."

Phil wants to kiss him, and tell him everything will be fine, but he can't kiss a 14 year old boy. Why does he have to love someone so young. He's going to college to get away from Dan, but Dan makes it so hard to leave.

"I'm sorry, Danny, but I'm going to college across the country, and that's final."

Dan hugs Phil tighter. "Don't ever forget me, Phil."

Tears stream down Phil's cheeks. "Dan, I will never forget you." Even if I desperately want to.

He finally lets go of Dan, and faces Troye who had just got done saying goodbye to Connor. They had been dating for 3 happy years, but Connor had plans with Phil to go to the same college. That's exactly what they were doing. Connor gives him a kiss before heading over to Dan.

"Oh, Troye, Troye, Troye." Phil says with a smile. He pulles him into a hug, "Thank you, for all of the wonderful memories. Even when you were a pain in my ass." He says loudly.

Troye laughs, "Oh, right. I was the pain in your ass. You're the one who almost burnt me with a flaming marshmallow, on my birthday. You're so clumsy you almost killed us all."

"As I said, WONDERFUL MEMORIES!" Phil exclaims hugging Troye tighter. They both laugh uncontrollably.

Phil then whispers, so only Troye could hear, "Take care of my Dan."

Troye nods his tears returning. "And you take care of Connor." Troye says. That's when they let go to see Connor whispering something in Dan's ear that makes Dan cry a whole lot more.

"Don't you ever let my Flower Boy wilt, Dan." Connor whispers through tears. "I want you to watch him grow healthy, and happy."

Dan is sobbing into Connor's shoulder. "Goddamn you, Connor you're not going off to war stop making this so emotional. You'll see him again, and you'll see me again. You're making me sad you're so FRICKING poetic."

Connor laughs the same laugh he had the first time he talked to Troye. That gentle laugh. "Promise me you'll take care of him, Dan."

"I promise."

And with that Connor and Phil hopped into their car. They wave at all of their parents, Dan and Troye, and their siblings to. They plan on meeting Chris and Pj at the college. They all managed to get into the same school. It was highly convienent. Almost as if they were in a Fanfiction or something where improbability was its main function. Oh well.

It's seemed like the bitter end in the moment, but it was truly just the beginning. Their childhood may have been left in the past, but their future was right in front of them.

Dan and Phil weren't in a relationship yet, and that just wasn't okay. You see, the universe had a way of screwing people over. Royally.

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