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"Hey, Troye." Connor says with a flirty smile.

"Hi, Connor." Troye replies bashfully.

"So, I was wondering if you would like to hang out with me and Phil at Dan's house. We can all play video games or something, and it will be really fun. It would be a shame if you weren't there." Connor says keeping his flirty tone.

Troye doesn't know why he's blushing so much, but he is. "Oh. I'd have to ask my mum, but I'm sure I can go." He says.

"Great. I hope to see you there, Flower Boy."

Connor kisses Troye on the cheek gently, and gives him his flirtiest smile. He walks off playing cool as always.

Troye can still feel his lips on his cheek, and heat rises up to them. He held his hand where Connors lips were, and smiled. Man, older boys sure new how to flirt.


"Dan, I'm afraid I've made plans at you're house without consulting you, or your mum whatsoever." Phil says.

"What?" Dan asks.

"I may have invited both Troye, and Connor over to hang out here."

"Philllll, you can't just do that." Dan whines.

"I know, I know." He says. He's got to think of a plan that will work.

"I'm sorry, Dan." He says putting one of his hands over Dan's. He pushes his hair out of his face with the other one, and looks directly into his eyes. "Connor wanted to hang out, and there is no way I was going to pass up an opportunity to spend time with you." He says.

He is using the flirting technique which he recently developed. He thought he was pretty good. By the way Dan gulped, and looked down at his lips for a second, he could tell it was working. He hated himself for flirting suddenly. Dan was so innocent.

Dan shrugs. "Oh, it's probably fine. Mum knows both of them, and she's just happy I have friends." He feels likes he's going to explode, and he isn't sure why. He wants to be mad at Phil, but he made it impossible.

Phil smiles at him, and takes his hand off of Dan's. "Perfect."


They play twister.

They have no idea why they chose twister, but they did. They were having so much fun just being around each other that anything starts to seem like a good idea. And so twister it was.

"LEFT HAND ON YELLOW!" Troye shouts.

Phil, Dan, and Connor stretch to the yellow, but Connor already is very contorted, and he starts to wobble.

"FALL, FALL, FALL!" Troye shouts as Dan and Phil laugh at him. He tumbled to the ground almost knocking Dan over. "Oi!" He shouts.

"Yes, you fell. Now you're a loser." Troye teases.

Connor laughs. "I guess you could say I've fallen for you, Troye." He winks playfully.

Troye blushes. "OOOOOOH!" Dan and Phil shout. "Someones got a boyfriend!" they taunt.

Troye sticks out his tounge. "Shut up."

They laugh. Dan whispers to Phil in their tangled position, "You know, Troye really likes Connor."

Phil smiles. "That's funny because Connor really likes Troye." Phil whispers back.

"Really?" Dan asks.


"But Connors so much older?"

Phil smiles at the brunette, "It doesn't really matter."

Then they hear the flash of a camera, and look over at Connor and Troye who have big smiles on their faces.

"Oh, sorry to disturb just wanted to snap a pic of you two smiling like goons at each other." Connor says. He holding an undeveloped photo in his hands, and he waves it tauntingly.

"Rip it." Phil says, but he's smiling anyway.

"But you looked so cute." Troye says smiling at them devilishly.

"Oh god, kill it with fire." Dan says.

"If you want it, you're going to have to catch Troye and I first." Connor says. He then grabs Troye's hand, and runs away.

"No fair!" Dan shouts.

"Here, hop on my back!" Phil shouts at Dan.

He doesn't hesitate to climb on top of him. Dan is still young, so he's very light, and Phil has no problem running through the house with him. It's the most fun Dan has ever had.

They run into the kitchen where Connor and Troye are making faces at them the picture no where to be found.

"WHERE IS IT!" Dan shouts. He feels like Batman.

"Oh, you mean this?" Troye says holding up the photo. "I have no idea."

He starts to run, and Connor follows. "Come back here!" Phil's shouts.

"You'll never catch us, Phan!" Connor shouts.

"What did he just call us?" Dan asks.

"I have no idea, but we are going to get that dang photo." Phil says with a smile.

He runs after them who have escaped in the backyard. When they get out there Troye is now on Connor's shoulders with the photo smiling wide.

"This means war, Phan." Connor says.

Phil doesn't know what that means, but he smirks. "Then let's fight."

Troye suddenly shouts, "TRONNOR RULES!" And Connor is running towards them.

Phil runs to, but they stop when they get to each other, and Dan struggles to take the photo from Troye's hands.

"Stay strong, Dan! Get the photo!" Phil shouts. Dan laughs, and steals it from Troye almost to easily.

Troye hops off Connor's back, and Phil lets Dan down easily.

When Dan and Phil get a good look at the photo he sees it's a selfie of Connor holding his middle finger up, and Troye sticking out his tongue. Dan gasps at Connors finger.

"HEY! This isn't the photo!" Phil shouts.

Troye and Connor are rolling in the grass wheezing of laughter. "You'll never find the real one, Phan. Never." Connor says through laughter.

Dan throws the photo at them, and says he's hates them, but really he's having the time of his life. Phil is too. He can see it in his eyes that are shining despite the sun setting. He finds the whole picture in from of him beautiful, and he wishes we could be trapped in this moment forever.

This second of time where they sky is shades of purple, orange and pink, and Connor and Troye are holding their sides as the beautiful sound of laughter fills Dan's ears. And then there's Phil. He's laughing too, and his dark hair is slightly messy, and his cheeks bright red. His tongue is sticking out of the side of his mouth like it does when he's smiling like this. Dan may be young, but he's old enough to appreciate beauty when he sees it. In this moment in time he falls in love with Phil, right here. Right then.

Moments like these don't last forever, but you'll always remember them, and they'll last forever in your heart.

Dan never forgets this moment, ever.

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