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Dan was hanging on the playground with Louise when he sees Phil laughing with a group of guys. He watches as Phil says something that makes the whole group erupt in laughter. It makes him smile. He wishes he could hear what they were saying.

"Who is that?" Louise asks.

"What?" Dan says startled. He breaks out of his trance to look at Louise.

She rolls her eyes. "Who is that boy you're staring at with that goofy smile."

"Hey! I don't have a goofy smile." Dan retorts.

"When you look at him you do." Louise says with her eyebrows raised.

"He is just a friend that I've had my whole life." Dan says. That's when Phil looks over, and sees Dan's familiar brown eyes admiring him. Dan gives him a small wave, and grins. Phil waves back with his whole arm wildly in the air. He has a happy smile on his face. He doesn't seem bothered by Dan at all.

"He is cute." says Louise. "Where did you find a hottie like him?" She asks jokingly.

Dan narrows his eyes suddenly jealous for some reason. "He's too old for you, and you don't even know him." He says a little to harshly.

Louise holds up her hands with a face reading, 'I was just saying' before leaving Dan to stare at Phil. Dan didn't know why he was so mesmerized.

He started to observe Phil's friends one by one. There was a boy who seemed deep into telling a story to them all. He had a jumper on despite the heat, and a sketchbook tucked under his arm. He had dark curly hair and pale green eyes. Dan would go as far as to say he was the cute artsy type, and Dan felt a bit jealous...for the second time today.

There was another guy with green eyes, but they were darker, and more forestey. He had lighter brown hair that fell across his forehead. He seemed to always be staring at the artsy one, or jumping around. He had a lot of energy and seemed to make Phil laugh a lot. Dan felt jealous again.

He wonders if those two were the infamous Chris and Pj, but he didn't know. To his surprise there was two other people there Phil never mentioned. One had blonde hair and glasses, and the other had light brown hair and bright blue eyes. The one with brown hair had a camera around his neck that looked very expensive to be trusted with a kid, but he seemed responsible with it. They were both fairly short, and cute.

Dan feels like he going to explode from jealousy when a ball hits him in his leg knocking him off of his feet. Luckily, someone is there to catch him.


"OMG, I'm so, so sorry are you okay?" Says an unfamiliar voice. Who ever said it has a funny accent, Dan notes.

He opens his eyes to be met with light blue ones, and curly hair. A pair of skinny arms hold him barely above the ground.

"I don't know if I'm okay." Dan says.

"I hit you with the ball on accident because I suck at sports, and I'm really, really sorry, but luckily I caught you, and now we are here, and you don't know if you're okay, and I don't know if I'm okay, and nothing is okay." The boy rambles on, and puts Dan back on his feet.

Dan finally faces him properly. He's a bit taller than him, and is very skinny. He's got very big ears, and his curls seem to fall in his face a bit. Dan smiles at him.

"Hi, I'm Dan, and I really don't care about any of that." He says holding out his hand.

The boy smiles. "Sorry, I ramble when I'm nervous I thought you would hate me." He shakes Dan's hand awkwardly. Dan raises an eyebrow at him as if waiting for something. The boy takes a bit to catch on.

"Oh, and I'm Troye." He says finally.

Dan nods. "Nice to meet you, Troye. Would you like to watch the older kids with me instead of try to kick a ball, and kick someone in the face instead?"

Troye smiles again. "Yeah, sure."

So they stand and admire the grass, and the blue sky, and the older kids who always just seem so fascinating for some reason. Troye makes eye contact with a boy from Phil's group, and starts to blush.

"Do you see that boy over there?" Troye whispers.

"Um...which one?"

"The one with the camera."


"I'm going to marry him someday."

Dan gives Troye a look like he is absolutely insane. "And how do you know that?" Dan says in a tone that makes Troye smile.

"I just do."

"But he's older. He's 12."


"And you don't know him?"

"Yeah, I do. He lives next to me. I like to watch him when he's outside. He seems so interested in the little things." Troye says with a voice full of awe.

"That's creepy." Dan says flat out.

"I don't care. He caught me staring once, and then smiled and took a photo of me peeking through the window."

"Haha. What did you do?"

"I ran upstairs, and had a heart attack in my room under the bed." Troye says calmly.

Dan laughs at this suddenly feeling very comfortable with Troye.

He's finds himself staring at Phil again. Phil is easily the prettiest out of the whole group. At least to Dan he is. He then realized, Phil liked boys, and so did Troye. Does Dan attract gays, or something?

Troye then nudges him. "Is that your crush?" He says pointing to Phil. Dan almost chokes on his own saliva. "What! No! I'm not...I'm not...gay." It is the least convincing sentence Dan had ever said.

Dan had recently learned the correct term from Phil. When you are boy who likes boys you are gay. Sometimes you can like both boys and girls, but Dan doesn't remember what it was called. Phil even said that their was many different types, but they are all within the same community. Phil was the smartest person Dan knew.

Troye raised his eyebrows. "Whats wrong with being gay?"

Dan's eyes widened to the size of the moon. "No, no! There is nothing wrong with it! I just don't...I don't think I'm...well I never thought I was...uh..."

Troye smirked. "Don't worry. You don't have to know right now. We are only in the 3rd grade."

Dan just stares at Troye. "Phil and I are just friends." Dan says. But the words don't feel quite right when they leave his mouth.

"Sure." Troye says with the same smirk from earlier.

They don't talk anymore all of the rest of recess because they are both to lost in their own thoughts on the world.

Little did they know how important this friendship would become to the development of a terrible Phanfiction. I mean the future...

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