The meeting

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"Stand down prisoner!" The Joker jolted awake at the booming shouts of the guards.
A dozen of them stood right outside Harley's cell.

He chuckled. She always put up a fight.
It always turned him on.

He heard the unmistakable sound of chains clanking against one another as the guards unlocked the doors to the cell, all but two pouring in.

Harley's squeals of enthusiasm and protest was music to Joker's ears, not for the fact that she was getting manhandled by about ten guards who worked effortlessly to put her in restraints but because she wanted the Joker to know that she'd only ever submit to him.

No other man.

They walked her out of the cell and put her in a wheelchair, restraining her entire body, even her head.

"Hey...where are you taking me?" She asked nervously as she shifted uncomfortably in the wheelchair.
No one replied. Instead the guards now focused their attention to the Jokers cell. He stood up slowly as the guards poured in. He grinned as he allowed them to put him in a straightjacket and chain his feet.

Baby steps was all he could take as they walked him cautiously to Harley.

"P-puddin'...?" She asked nervously, unsure of what was going on.
This wasn't routine. The only time they ever left was for therapy and they'd go separately.

"Now now Harl's, maybe if we stay quiet these fine gentlemen will tell us what the deal is," he grinned at the guards.

"Tough luck, champ," one of the guards spoke as they escorted the pair to the therapy rooms.

Mila's heart was pounding against her chest.

Day one of therapy for Harley Quinn and the Joker.

These two were her patients. These two were the reason why she was here. Her volunteer work and expertise in her short 22 years came down to this.

Here and now.

But since they were a couple who were inseparable to a certain extent even in Arkham, she would only treat them if they were brought together.

This was an odd request, one which Dr. Daffney reluctantly agreed to. But after much explanation and convincing, Mila was able to make her request a reality. They must have had a support system, as twisted as their relationship was rumored to be. And she knew she could tap into it.

Her breath hitched as she heard the sound of approaching footsteps, the sound of the clanging of metal against the cold, damp concrete growing louder and louder with each passing second.

The large, grey, metal door opened revealing a dozen guards escorting two figures.

Two people she would be seeing quite often.

She sighed as she stood up slowly, receiving her patients. The guards wheeled Harley up to the table Mila sat behind while the Joker took small steps, an intimidating grin on his face.

"Well, this is new..." he commented with an evil grin.

Mila smiled and looked at the guards.
"You may go now."

The guards looked puzzled at her request.
"What? Isn't it routine to leave a doctor alone with her patients?" She asked.

"Doctor? look more like a teenager," The Joker smirked.
Mila smiled. "I'll take that as a compliment," she said.

"We can't leave you alone with these two. You're a new doctor." One of the guards spoke.

"Well I'm afraid that was the deal. You can stay outside the door. All doctor-patient interactions regarding treatments are strictly confidential, only to be kept between the doctor and patient." Mila spoke sternly.

The guard scoffed. "It's your funeral, hot stuff. You got two baddies in front of ya, good luck." The guard wave as he walked out, prompting the other guards to walk behind him.

Once left alone, Mila smiled politely and slowly sat down taking out two files and placing them neatly on the desk before them.

In reality, she was a nervous wreck. She was left alone with two of the worst criminals the nation had known. She grew up fearing their names. No. Her parents went out of their way to sensor their name or turn the channel every time the topic of the Joker and his crazy girlfriend came in. She hadn't yet told her parents about the fact that they were now her patients.

And yet, here she was alone with them.

Harley sat back, unable to even move her face. Her eyes were fixed on Mila.
She looked oddly familiar.

She got lost in her thoughts as the Joker also studied her, grinning widely.

"Well doctorrrrr... whatd'ya got there?" He asked enthusiastically. He was also completely immobile in his straight jacket.

Mila looked up at them.

"Your files. It's strange, Dr. Daffney just handed it to me right before I came in here." She chuckled. "You'd think he would have given it to me last night."

The Jokers grin twisted to a frown.

He glanced at Harley who was completely frozen, staring at the girl.

"So pretty," she muttered under her breath.
Mila blushed and smiled at her. "Thank you."

The Joker rolled his eyes and looked to the side, avoiding eye contact with Mila.

Mila flipped one of the files open.

"The Joker. Age, unknown. Name, unknown." She stopped and smiled. "Quite the mystery man. You have nothing on your past here."

He remained quiet.
Mila kept reading.
"Affiliations, wow. Several. I thought you were a one-man operation." She stopped and looked at him.

"I am." He simply replied.
Mila put the file down, frowning at the fact that there was little to no information on him.
She picked up the other file, Harley's.

"Harley Quinn, formerly known as Dr. Harleen Quinzel...former doctor at ARKHAM ASYLUM!? No way! I didn't know!" Mila looked up excitedly to Harley as her voice was higher.

"That was the old me. She's dead." She simply replied.

Mila looked back down at the file and kept reading. "Age, 'a woman doesn't reveal her age', haha cute. Affiliations, The Joker. Yeah duh," she giggled.

The Joker furrowed his brows at her. She wasn't very professional. Not like his other therapists had been. And certainly not like Harley.

She was having way too much fun with this.

A smile crept on Harley's face. "Ya know, i may not remember much from my past life but I know you gotta be a little more professional than that," she spoke bluntly.

Mila blushed. "I apologize." She said as her smile disappeared.

"Now look what you've done Harl's, her smiles gone." The Joker grinned wickedly at Mila as he mocked her.

Mila gazed back down at Harley's folder in an attempt to break away from their gaze but her eyes stopped at words that caused her eyes to widen.
She read the piece out loud.
"Before being admitted to Arkham Asylum, Harley's and Joker's two month old baby girl was also taken into custody."

Mila looked up confused.

"You...have a daughter?" She asked.

The doctor is in: Joker's and Harley's little clownTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang