That shoulda been me

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"You can go fuck yourself." Alex spat at the man sitting before him. That man being the dark figure that had been there the day Mila was shot. Just yesterday.

"For what? For trying to protect you?" The man spoke.

"I don't need protection." Alex scoffed. "I'm Batman's son, I'm trained to BE batman for fucks sake... you? Nightwing? Gay ass name for a gay ass fag." Alex said venomously.

"You know that's not all who I am..." The man spoke.

"Oh..I'm sorry, want me to call you David instead? Fucking asshole..." Alex muttered the last part and walked quickly out of the room. But David followed closely behind.

"Alex, stop! I said I was sorry." David said.

"Fuck off.." Alex said waving his hand.

"No!" David tried grabbing Alex's arm but Alex quickly turned around and pinned David to the wall by his neck. "No...i'm so fucking done with you and that old man telling me what the fuck is right and what the fuck is wrong."

David's eyes widened as he saw Alex's eyes shift to a darkness he had never seen before. It made sense that Alex would be hurt after Mila was shot, but he now only seemed to take out his anger on those around him.

"Drop him." A low voice spoke behind Alex. After a few seconds, Alex let go of David, who slid down the wall and onto the floor, coughing and trying to catch his breath. Alex turned around and saw Bruce glaring at him.

"Now what?" Alex asked.

"You wait..." Bruce said.

"You don't give a damn, do you?" Alex asked.

Bruce didn't respond, just continued to stare blankly.

"I thought you had a heart dad, being this vigilante who did good...who fought for people...innocent people." Alex rolled his eyes.

"I do, I fought for innocent people...and I won." Bruce said.

"Why not Mila?" Alex asked.

"I don't know what you mean," Bruce said as he kept his stern glare on his son.

"Why do you want to separate her from her parents?" Alex asked. "That's her family, for fucks sake dad...what if they tried to separate us?!"

For the first time, Bruce remained quiet.

David stood up at this point and walked over to Bruce. "Don't you see what's going on Alex? They're trying to separate you and your dad...and they're winning. You never talked to Bruce like that," David sighed.

"You've never been in love, have you David? And you've never had someone stand in the way of that love, claiming it's no good...Mila isn't like her all. She's sweet and misunderstood and she ONLY told ME of all people how much she regrets breaking her parents out of that hell hole..." Alex spat.

Bruce smirked. "She came to her senses."

"You're responsible for all of tore a family apart." Alex said. He sighed as his phone began to ring. He picked up without letting it ring twice.

"Where is she?" He asked.

"Vincent Lichi Medical Center..Top suite. There's only one of them anyway, kid. The Joker's already there...if you're interested in seeing her." And with that, the man on the other end hung up. Alex put down his phone and stared daggers at the two men who stood before him.

"She's alive." He said. Bruce sighed a breath of relief but Alex laughed.

"Oh...shut it old man, I know you're upset she didn't die." Alex mock laughed.

"It's not like that son!" Bruce harshly hit his cane on the marble floor beneath him, grabbing Alex's attention.

"Then what's it like?" Alex asked.

"I want her to NOT turn out like her parents, son. For years they caused mayhem and destruction. Imagine walking down what should be a busy Gotham street and seeing piles of dead people instead. The Joker leaves an endless path of sadness and sorrow, wherever he goes. And the only reason he wanted a child to begin with was so they could continue his legacy." Bruce explained.

"Mila isn't like that." Alex said through grit teeth.

"Don't you think she could be?" David tried to reason.

At this point Alex had turned away and began to walk down the hall to the entrance of the mansion. Before he went too far though, he turned his head around and smirked.

"Nope...I know her...she's nothing like the Joker." And with that, he disappeared.


"Sshh...Mommy's here," Harley whispered as she stroked her daughters cheek through tears. She was so fact, she hadn't known this sort of heartbreak ever since the bat had taken Mila away from them as a baby. Knowing that she wouldn't see her daughter ever again had caused her distress.

The Joker clutched a gun and pointed it toward a window and Jonny watched as his boss's angry face twisted in more pure rage.

"Is he coming?" The Joker asked.

"I think so." Frost replied. His boss was grinning now, ear to ear.

"I can't wait to have a word with that..hunka hunka!!" The Joker laughed out.

Frost knew exactly where this was going. The Joker would ask a few questions, crack a few jokes, then swoop in for the kill. Basically, play with his food.

Before he knew it, a knock was heard on the door. Frost opened the door slightly and saw Alex holding a large bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates, and a teddy bear. Nodding his head, Frost let Alex in. Walking inside, Alex scanned the room and found the bed and walked quickly towards it. He dropped to his knees still holding the gifts, and placed his forehead on Mila's hand hanging off the bed.

"Please...forgive me baby! That shoulda been me in the bed," Alex sobbed, his shoulders moving up and down at a quick rate. Harley watched this unfold and felt her heart break. But no matter how touching the moment was, she quickly remembered that she had taken the bullet for him, for this piece of shit.

For Batman's son.

Alex heard a click of the gun and felt something cold at the back of his head. He was still on his knees by Mila's side and the Joker stood behind him, with the gun he had been polishing all this time.

"How touching...That really should have been you, eh Alex?" The Joker mocked and giggled. "Well, you still have a chance!"

Alex closed his eyes and accepted it. It was only right, if he was meant to die one way or another, then so be it. At least he didn't have to feel a sense of loss and heartbreak over what happened to Mila. Death would make all the sadness go away.

"Drop the gun, Joker." A gruff voice was heard behind the Joker.

Turning around with a growl, the Joker looked at the intruder and burst out laughing.

The doctor is in: Joker's and Harley's little clownWhere stories live. Discover now