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"So how do we do this puddin?" Harley asked as they pulled up the mansion belonging to Bruce Wayne.
"Fuck it, we're prancing in there and killing anyone in sight." The Joker muttered as he took his gun out and exited the car. Harley followed behind him as he walked confidently to the front door. He shot at the door multiple times, creating a hole, and was able to swing it open. Harley followed him as he continued advancing.

"Oh Brucey..." Joker grinned as he sang this line. "Come out come out, moneybags." Harley giggled as the Joker continued his little chant.

Meanwhile, Alfred was in the batcave below the mansion watching their every move through the cameras. Harley gripped the clown doll with one hand and her gun with the other. She walked close behind Joker as he advanced deeper down the halls.

"Come on Bruce, I'm not gonna hurt you," The Joker rasped as his eyes wandered through the dark rooms.

They were able to creep inside a study, large windows surrounding them. The Joker scoffed and rolled his eyes as Harley dropped the clown doll. As soon as she bent down to pick it up, Batman flew in through the window, shattered glass flying everywhere. The Joker instinctively covered Harley with his body as Batman landed in front of them.

"What are you two doing here?" Batman asked.

As soon as Joker straightened back up, Harley remembered her child as soon as she saw the bat. "Where's my baby!" She exclaimed.
"Not here." Batman said to Harley and then averted his focus on the Joker.

"You two are coming with me." Batman spoke confidently.

The Joker laughed his signature laugh as he aimed his gun at Batman.

"Do you really think I'm gonna let that happen batsy boy?" He asked with amusement.

Batman nodded and smirked. "Yes, you are. Especially because your baby is alive."

The Joker lowered his gun in surprise, his hand becoming shaky. Harley's eyes widened as a fresh set of tears spilled.

"She's alive! My little clown!" She cried out clutching the clown doll.

The Joker aimed his gun at Batman once again.

"Where is she?" He rasped.

"Can't tell you that. She's a lot safer anyway, especially since you two will be locked away." Batman spoke.

"You sound confident about that. You expect me to go quietly with you now that I know my heir lives? HA! Now that's a joke!" The Joker chuckled as he cocked his gun, ready to shoot. "I will find her and I will get her back Bats."

Batman suddenly vanished in a puff of smoke and quietly stood behind Joker.

"Puddin, behind you!" Harley screamed but it was too late. Batman held the Joker in a tight hold. The Joker dropped his gun in surprise and struggled to get out of his grip. His grilled teeth grit against one another as he struggled to break free. Harley was frozen on the ground. Batman quickly tied the Joker completely with his steel rope and tied him to the bolted desk.
Harley was next. She dropped the clown doll, the loss making her sob.

Batman noticed and picked up the doll. He saw the distress in Harley's eyes and the anger in Joker's. He sighed and examined the doll.

"Is this...your baby's doll?" he asked to Harley. She nodded as she hung her head in defeat.

Batman hit a button on the desk summoning the police.

"Can you please.. give her?" Harley asked in a low voice.

The Joker scowled and looked away, tears running down his cheeks.

"I will. But i need to know you two will not try anything funny when you're in Arkham." Batman spoke with authority.

The Joker scoffed. "What's the point? Not when I don't have my little clown with me. There's no inspiration," his voice trailed off as he slumped down, sighing.

Harley gasped awake as the sound of the alarm going off in the middle of the night. She jolted up and ran to the bars.
"Puddin?" She asked, wondering if he was awake.

The Joker stood at the bars as well, smiling at the sound.

"Great way to wake up, huh Harl's? Boy does it bring back memories..." He spoke over the loud noise.
Harley smiled. "Was it the night I freed ya? That first time," She asked beaming.

"That's right. With you're cute blonde hair tied up and that white doctor's coat." The Joker licked his lips.

Suddenly, they heard faint sounds of gunshots. Harley's eyes widened.

"Puddin...!" She couldn't speak. Fear coursed through her suddenly. "We should hide!" There was clearly panic in her voice.

"No Harls, hide from who? Why would anyone break in to kill lunatics?" The Joker tried reasoning with her.

"I don't know puddin!" She exclaimed in a panic.

Suddenly an explosion rocked their floor and they both fell to the ground from what felt like a strong earthquake, but the corridor quickly filled with smoke and men in suits wearing various masks flooded in holding large guns.

The Joker's eyes lit up.

"No way..." He exclaimed happily. "Would you look at that pooh? This is our get out of jail free card! AHAHAHAHA!!" THe Joker laughed out enthusiastically as the men stood right outside their cell bars. They did away quickly with the steel bars.

Before the Joker could walk out, someone wearing a guard costume walked in. They removed the mask and the Joker's eyes widened at the sight before him.

Mila stood there grinning widely at her father.

"You seem shocked to see me, dad. Why's that?" She teased as she bit her tongue at him.

Without a word, the Joker pulled her tightly into an embrace.

"Puddin.." Harley stood outside her confinement, gazing lovingly at the two. Mila quickly held her arm out and Harley walked swiftly to them, the three locked tightly in an embrace.

"Uh, boss, we gotta go," Jonny's voice spoke gently as the men started moving out of the room.

The Joker chuckled as he ran out with them. "Frosty boy, you never disappoint!"

The doctor is in: Joker's and Harley's little clownTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang