Johnny Frost

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(As in my previous chapters, italicized parts are flashbacks)

Mila stood frozen at the entrance, her body slightly trembling at the sight of the men before her.
Johnny Frost was a scruffy, tall, broad shouldered man. Wrinkled with wisdom and experience, he looked like the type of guy who'd have all the answers.
Mila almost felt safe in his presence.

"Who sent you?" He asked huskily.

"Um. The Joker." She said in a low voice, unsure of what his response would be.
Frost looked a bit surprised.
"And you do know that the Joker is...not here. He's on....vacation." Frost spoke, but there was no confidence in his voice.
He honestly thought the girl was bullshitting. But why would she?

"Cut the crap. He's in Arkham. I'm his psychiatrist. Both his and Harley's," Mila's tone changed completely.
She had done quick math. Either play the innocent, nervous damsel and be kicked out, or carry on the plan she had come up with that would appease her parents.

Johnny's eyes widened slightly at her sudden audacity but he chuckled.
"Exactly how much do you know?" He asked with a chuckle.
"I'd rather talk in private, some of my information is highly classified. Besides, I'm here on a mission." She said.

Johnny nodded and looked at the men around him.
"Let her through."
With that Mila walked behind Johnny as he led her to a room. It had its own bar, something Mila loved, but at the moment her thoughts occupied her.

They sat facing each other.
"Who are you exactly? And what do you know about the boss?" Johnny asked.

"My name is Mila Hartford. I'm a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum. And before I continue, I just want to let you know that the Joker doesn't know I'm here." She said.

Johnny cocked his brows.
"Then how did you find this place...?" He asked slowly, suspiciously.

Mila took out the files from the adoption center and flipped open the page displaying the clues. Johnny eyed them and smirk.
"Damn, they knew everything. Boss wouldn't like this..." he said.

"I had to come here and tell you my plan. I figured since he owned this place at one point, there might be people here that could clue me in on any thugs he worked with." She said.

Johnny smiled and looked at her. "I'm his right hand, so you got one of his best thugs here. But who are you, exactly? Why would you do this? And what exactly is it you want to do?" He asked.

Mila sighed and looked down at the papers. This time she put the adoption papers on top and Johnny read them thoroughly.

"I want to break them out. As a psychiatrist, I was given access to some emergency exits and secret routes that aren't easily accessible. Not even to the police. Can't say the same for the guards though." She spoke as Johnny looked slowly up at her, mouth agape.

"You're kidding me. You're..." He stopped. He couldn't even believe it.

The little baby, the only little baby he had ever bonded with, even if momentarily, was now sat before him. The very progeny of his boss, the only source of a genuine smile. The Joker's only source of happiness was here in the flesh. And that was a pretty big deal.

Before she could speak, Johnny extended his arms out and embraced her.

Mila was confused but played along.

"You... you were a baby." He said in disbelief.

"What?" Mila asked as she tilted her head.

"When you were born, the boss didn't know what to do with himself. I had never seen him that happy, not even when he was in the middle of one of his crime frenzies. The very day you were born, he swore that every single bullet he ever fired would be for you." Frost spoke as he smiled, cupping Mila's cheeks.

Mila smiled at the thought. As sadistic as it sounded, she was still happy. She chuckled and gripped Johnny's arm with one hand. "Are you in?" She asked.

Johnny stood up immediately.

"BOYS! GET IN HERE!" He yelled out. In just a few seconds, the room swarmed with men, guns in hand.

Johnny looked at Mila and grinned. "What's the plan?"


Harley was hunched over her baby's bassinet, sobbing uncontrollably. A part of her was gone. A part of her was ripped away from her, her only piece of happiness.

The love child of The Joker and Harley Quinn. "That's fucking rich..." She hissed as the thought swept over her.

The Joker stood at the window, gun in hand, looking out in anger as he tried to catch even a glimpse of that stupid bat. Even a shadow and he was sure to shoot. His eyes stung as tears threaten to spill once again but he fought them. He couldn't be weak now.

"I'm getting her back, one way or another." He spat.

"Puddin...S-she' might be..." Harley tried finishing her sentence but the very thought of the words about to escape her mouth caused her to restart her sobbing.

"She's alive, honey." He spoke.

"You didn't see her puddin! She was shot!!" Harley exclaimed. The Joker turned around and faced her horrified.
"She was shot in the goddamn head!!" She exclaimed as she buried her face in her hands, now completely collapsed on the floor crying her eyes out.

The Joker grit his teeth and stormed out of the room.
"FROST! FIND THE FUCKING BATS NOW!!!" The Joker's orders could be heard all throughout the mansion. Harley sniffled as she looked into the bassinet and spotted the toy clown. She picked it up and put it to her face, inhaling deeply trying to find her daughters scent.

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