A piece of him

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(Italics are flashbacks)

Harley sighed, almost in relief, as her hand found the Jokers hand. They were reaching out through the empty spaces of the bars that confined them, hands entwined in each other's, their bodies pressed firmly into their bars.

"The things I want to do to you, my harlequin," the Joker breathed as he squeezed her hand.
Harley chuckled. "Oh puddin, I'm gonna have to think about that tonight," she squealed.

A low growl could be heard from the Joker. "I'll rip these bars open and take you," he spoke with authority.
Harley once again giggled and sighed.

"Do you love her?" She asked suddenly. The Joker knew who she was referring to right off the bat.
"So much. But I failed her." He said in a whisper.
"No puddin, you didn't! She's alive and well, and look how successful she is!" Harley exclaimed.

The Joker let go of her hand and walked to the rock hard bed, sitting on it. He sighed as he looked down at the ground, thinking back to the day after it had all happened.

"Boss, excuse me for saying this, but it's not best to immediately charge into battle with the bats. We don't even know where he is," Frost spoke as he scurried quickly behind The Joker and Harley as they hurriedly walked towards their car.

The Joker swiftly turned on his heels and grabbed Frost's collar, holding him up. With a scowl, he shoved Frost's big body on the ground effortlessly and held his gun out towards him.

"Do you know what it's like to have a piece of you ripped away from your grasp?! I DO! TWICE! TWO FUCKING TIMES FROSTY BOY!" The Joker shot at the ground just a few inches from Frost.
"I'm gonna get the bats and rip him to shreds for making me lose whatever bit of sanity I had remaining tonight," the Joker rasped as he got into the car and sped out of the driveway.

As he drove, The Joker's eyes were glued to the road, speeding manically through the narrow streets going to a location he didn't even know of.

As he drove, The Joker's eyes were glued to the road, speeding manically through the narrow streets going to a location he didn't even know of

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"Twice Harley. Twice the damn bats made me lose a part of me. The first was when he pushed me into that vat of chemicals. Then..." He bit his lips as tears threatened to spill.

What had happened to his daughter? Was she dead? Not even an adult could survive a gunshot wound to the head, much less a 2 month old baby. 

"Puddin, where are we going?" Harley asked with a shakey voice.

"Wayne Manor. We're fighting fire with fire. We kidnap Bruce Wayne in exchange for our little clown." The Joker spoke.
Harley looked down at her hands and smiled. She gripped the little clown doll that belonged to her daughter. A part of her had forgotten that her child may possibly be dead, but now she was smiling widely at the thought of reuniting with her baby.

"Great idea puddin!" She squealed in delight in response to the plan. Things were gonna be alright.

"You know kid, this plan is pretty elaborate. Even for me," Frost chuckled as he scanned the blueprint one last time.
"I know. Which is why I came here. I knew you'd have the...resources I needed to make this work." Mila said confidently looking up at Frost.

Frost sat back and smiled at her. "So tell me again, why is it you're doing this? What's your motivation? Look at you, you're young, successful, and beautiful. Why do you wanna get mixed up with this crowd?" Frost asked.

"Because, I want to prove to my dad that I really am his daughter. He seems to be in denial for some reason. Either losing me shocked him or he never really cared. And so far, I'm leaning towards the latter," Mila sighed as she looked down.

"You're wrong kid, the night Batman took you, your dad lost it. ALOT more than he already had. He almost killed me that night," Frost chuckled as he took a swig of his drink. "But he was hysterical. So hysterical, in fact, that he was captured that night. He's usually a lot smarter." Frost said smiling at her.

Mila felt a sense of pride and happiness sweep over her. So at some point, he had cared.

Frost stood up and looked at his men.

"Enough with the past. Let's focus on the present. Boys, get the ammo, cars, and everything else our Mila requested. We're getting the boss back." Frost's firm voice spoke in authority as the men around him scurried, following orders.

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