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His lips were moving, but no words flew from his mouth although I could hear my screams perfectly well as bruises appeared on my body. His foot connected with my stomach, and I instinctively I brought my knees up to protect it. But he used his heel to turn my body over, with me lying on my back. My body shook, and my head pounded. My skin was burning in pain, but he kicked me again, sending numbing shocks up my side. I screamed again, and a howl answered me, soon followed by a vicious growl. My father froze, his eyes widening in fear. He screamed and turned to flee inside, but the wolf tackled him. The wolf snapped his teeth in my father's face, his huge paws holding him down.

Suddenly a light enveloped the wolf, and when it dissipated, a man stood over my father. He growled a wolf-like growl and swung his fist into my father's eye. He grunted, scowling and turning his face away. "Josh!" I screamed, and he turned to face me.

His face fell. "Danny, are you alright?" he asked, coming to my side.

My muscles relaxed as soon as he was around. But when his hand enfolded mine, his face blurred, and when it cleared again, he was Jake. I screamed, pushing away from him, ignoring my aching body as I crawled away. He laughed, catching my arms in his hands. Forcing me on the ground, he flipped his leg over me to straddle my waist. I screamed again and again, thrashing my hands and feet, but he pinned them to my side with his knees. He ripped a piece of cloth from my shirt and stuffed it in my mouth. He smirked at me, slowly inching my shirt up my stomach-

"Class, you might want to get this down, this is an important part in the movie!" Mr. Louis called, waking me up. I closed my eyes again, laying my head down with my arms covering my eyes. The dream was fresh in my mind and I couldn't shake it, but my body was still trembling.

A hand lightly touched my arm. I flinched, looking up to see Josh retracting his hand from my arm. His jaw was still clenched, but his eyes were soft. "Danny, you need to start taking notes, or Mr. Louis is really gonna get on your case. He's been looking over here all period-like right now." He smirked. "But I hope you had a nice nap."

I blushed, studying a hair on my arm and nodded. Hurriedly, I began scribbling down random things that happened in the movie. Definitely did not have a nice 'nap'. I thought, glancing at the boy. He was still tense, but he, too, was writing things down. I played with the corner of the paper, but only seeing a black wolf turn into a human. My wolf was lingering in the back of my mind. Was that how he changed? I glanced over to Josh. Was he Josh... or Jake? I've got to be telling myself something. I've heard dreams actually mean something. Like your subconscious telling you something important. Josh can't be J... right? There's a lot more kids with the initial J than I realized. J had said that himself. That doesn't mean that he has to be Josh or Jake. There's that kid Jacob in my Spanish class, or Justin in my third period. Besides, there's a ton of kids with names that start with J. This is gonna be impossible to figure it out by myself.

But what if it was Jake? I shuddered at the thought. No, it couldn't bee Jake. That was impossible. Still...what if it was Jake? J was...the...only person I could talk to. If he turned out to be Jake...I didn't know what I would do. It would explain why he's been acting so...weird lately. Jake used to hardly pay any attention to me. Now every time he came 'over' he'd try to talk to me.

J, can I guess who you aren't? I asked hopefully.

I... guess so... he replied reluctantly.

I bit my lip again. You...aren't...Jake, right?

Ha! I hope not!

You hope not?

You really think I'm him?

No, I was hoping you weren't him. Please tell me you aren't Jake.

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