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"I hate you." I moaned, turning to dig my face into Josh's pillow as I tried bringing the covers up higher. I had woken up with a sore throat, sniffling nose, and a pounding head. So far, Josh was keeping his promise of taking care of me.

He chuckled. "Sorry," he said, amusement hidden in his voice.

I groaned. "It's your fault. You're the one that threw me into the freakin' lake!" I tried yelling, but it just ended in a cough.

He laughed again, deeper this time. "Sorry," he said again, "but you threw my cookie into the lake. It was only right to make you go get it." He flashed me a grin as I lifted my head to glare at him.

I sniffled, groaning again. "And why aren't you sick, huh? I pulled you in after me! If I'm in pain, then you should be too." A shiver suddenly ran through me, making my teeth chatter.

The bed moved as he shrugged. "I don't know. I'm too hot to have a cold." He chuckled, winking at me.

I shook my head. "You are so full of yourself. And you already used that one, so you can't anymore." I groaned loudly, pulling the blanket around me. "I'm so cold." I whined.

He moved underneath the covers with me, opening his arm. "Come'mere." He said and I happily confined, snuggling up to his chest.

"I still hate you." I said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

He chortled, kissing the top of my head. "I know, I know."

After a few moments of silently watching the TV, I spoke again, smirking. "You should go make me chicken noodle soup." I offered, poking his chest.

He scrunched up his nose, tilting his head slightly. "Why? Did you see the way my cookin' turned out Sunday? And now you want me ta go make ya soup?" he asked, bewildered. "This cold must've gotten ta your head or somethin'." He shook his head slightly, smiling.

I pushed him as hard as I could, but he didn't budge much. I sighed irritably. "Because that's what you do for people when they're sick. Especially if you're at fault! Have Hanna help or something." I snickered.

He rolled his eyes, but slide off the bed. "Fine. Just don't get mad at me if I burn it or somethin', kay?"

I giggled, shaking my head. "Alright. Whatever. Just promise me you won't burn it." He shot me a glare as he left the room, sticking his tongue out.

One TV show and a hundred Kleenex's later, he finally came in with a steaming bowl of liquid. "Yey!" I cheered sarcastically, sitting up and clapping my hands together. His eyes narrowed as he came towards me, handing me the bowl. "Took you long enough." I muttered, stirring it.

He rolled his eyes as he climbed in next to me. A faint blush covered his cheeks, making me giggle. "Shut up. I had to restart it… a couple a times…" he said faintly while shooting me a glare.

I laughed. "Well, thank, you, Joshywa." I giggled again as he shot me another glare. "Did Hanna hewp you dis time?" I said in a baby voice, batting my eyelashes at him.

He groaned, but it sounded a little like a growl. "No. She did not." He sighed.

I took a bit, almost spitting it back up, but I swallowed it before placing the bowl on the table. "Let's go for a walk."

He whipped his head towards me, his mouth agape. "What?!" he exclaimed. "But I just—I just…ugh. Fine." He snatched his sweatshirt off the ground as he got off the bed and tossed it to me. Smiling, I put it on, following him.

"So where are we—" I asked as we joined up at the door before he pulled me to him, cutting off my sentence with a kiss. I pulled away from him. "Stop! I'm sick!" I said, biting my lip.

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