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Today was officially team up on the mute kid day.

First period; Mr. Louis called on me to answer a question, knowing very well that I knew the answer, but couldn't tell you. Luckily Josh had intervened and told him off. Second period; Mrs. Cadwell does the exact same thing, except no one was there to stick up for me. So I just sat there, the room completely silent, and stared at her until she gave up. Third; we were reading Romeo and Juliet and she wanted me to read the part of Peter. No matter how small the part, it wasn't going to happen, I promise you. Once again, my savior butted in and volunteered to read the part.

But fourth period there was no Josh.

"Ana!" My head snapped up immediately at my Spanish name. "Yo quiero ir a España. Qué es lo que quieres?"

Quiero dejar esta ciudad. Desaparecer y dejar de hablar a ! I thought bitterly, fighting the urge to scowl and instead stared at Señora Ricardo, my mouth set in a firm line.

A few moments passed before she spoke again. "Qué es lo que quieres?" she said more forcefully, her eyes hardening.

And again, I stared blankly at her, my hands tightening on the pen I held.

For the third time, she repeated the same sentence. "She's not going to answer you." A student said, her voice dripping with boredom.

At that comment, rage and the impulse to prove her wrong ran though my veins.

My chair screeched across the floor as I stood, the whole class going silent as I made my way to the board. My heart was pounding in my throat even at this small action. What was I doing? What had gotten into me? I hadn't wanted to rebel against people for a long time, before I stopped talking. But when I grabbed that marker, it was like all the strength in the world rushed through me. Yo quiero dejar esta ciudad. Yo no voy a hablar, así que voy escribir. I wrote quickly before turning abruptly and staring hard at la profesora. Her jaw clenched and she nodded once curtly. I smiled, a sweetly poisonous smile, and returned to my seat.

That'll teach them from ganging up on me. I thought, the pen scribbling random words in my notebook.

Aww, are people being mean to you? A familiar voice echoed in my head.

I blinked, a smile forming on my face. J, shut up before I rip your throat out and feed it to your pack.

Ouch, harsh. I'm hurt. He said with a smirk evident in his voice.

Well, I'm not in the best of moods here, buddy.

Do you need your boyfriend here to cheer you up? He mocked, snickering.

I blushed deeply. How do you know about that?

Do you love him? He asked suddenly, catching me off guard.

What? I asked, astounded. That's none of your business. Besides, we just started dating...

So? He said nonchalantly. Just answer the question. Unless you're scared...

You're crazy. I admitted, shaking my head.

He thought for a moment. Maybe. You still plannin' on goin' to the dance tonight?

They're dragging me along, so... yes. I said grudgingly, staring at the clock, willing it to go faster. It was crazy, I knew, but I wanted to see Josh again, and I wouldn't until after his tryouts.

I'm The Alpha's ChallengeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang