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He pulled away, wiping the tears from under my eyes and kissed my forehead. "Baby, what happened?" Slowly, he reached up to remove a piece of glass from my cheek, stained with blood. "You have glass all over you."

I sniffled in response, hating that I was getting used to him seeing me cry. He took my hand lightly and began leading me to the bathroom. "C'mon, let's get you cleaned up." I could've done it myself, but my arm was throbbing in pain and it felt nice to have his hand around my mine. He led me into the bathroom, sitting me on the toilet. He crouched next to me and began pulling out glass shards stuck in my arm. After wincing at the second one, Josh began rambling on about stupid stuff to distract me. "You know, Iya and Coffeeblue were so worried about you. They kept going on and on about you and me." he rolled his eyes and chuckled. "I was so bored in first period, I actually paid attention." His smile sucked the breath out of me instantly. "Destiny tried to talk to me, but I wouldn't hear it. She kept telling me to stay away from you, but I couldn't see why. The way she talks about you, you'd think you were almost as bad as she is, but you're anything but the same. I couldn't believe that you two were sisters!" He smiled again and shook his head. "There, I think that's all of them." He stood up and wet a rag. "So, got any other siblings I don't know about?" he asked.

I smiled weakly and shook my head. My parents hardly wanted me, why would they want another useless kid? He ran the wet rag across my cheek and then began dabbing it on my arm. "You still haven't met any of my family. Did you know Coffeeblue is a twin?"

I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Cormac?" he asked, glancing at me to be sure. I nodded again. "Oh, well you still haven't met him. He's like Coffeeblue, but a guy. They're so hyper and enthusiastic. I think you'd like 'em. I know Hannah would love you. I know Levi does." He winked at me.

"You attracted guys from the Miller family faster than a light attracts a moth." he laughed and stood to wash the rag off. Suddenly, a squeal came from down the hall. I felt my cheeks heat up immediately and I reluctantly glanced at Josh. He scowled as he washed the rag. "That Destiny and Jake?" I studied my arm, which had stopped bleeding and nodded. "They're disgusting." He scowled and threw the rag into the sink, sending soup buds into my hair. I stared up at him as he chuckled, and reached into the sink to send the foam flying towards him. It hit him in the face, causing me to burst out laughing until I felt the bubbles sliding down my face. We kept exchanging soap buds until the foam had died and both of us were clutching our stomachs from laughing so hard.

"We should probably go clean up the kitchen." Josh said, leaning against the door. My smile died and I stared at the ground before nodding. He pulled me by the waist slightly until I was following him. We got the broom and the dust pan. I stood in front of the mess of glass, the scene flashing through my head over and over again until I was shaking. The dust pan was bashing against my sweat pants and I crouched down to swoop up the glass that Josh swept in. my hands were shaking so violently that by the time I got the trash can, expecting a full pan, it was almost empty except for a couple of pieces. I went back to Josh, walking around the trail of glass that marked my path. Josh eyed me as I walked back, and as I came to stand where the glass shards were, he began shaking his head.

He leaned the broom against the wall and took the dust pan from me and set it beside the broom. "Ok, obviously something happened here, and it's bigger than you dropping a couple dishes. Honey, if someone's hurting you, I need to know." His eyes flickered back and forth, looking for any trace in my own. I stayed silent, sealing my lips shut. He sighed, running a hand down his face. "Fine. I guess I can understand that. But we're not gonna get anywhere with you being all shaky. I'll just do it myself. Why don't you go sit down?" he reached for my hand, but I pulled back, shaking my head. This was my house and my mess. I needed to clean it up. I didn't mind help, but he wasn't doing it all by himself. I reached for the pan, but he stopped me with disproving eyes.

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