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The house was silent when I woke up again, and I remembered the beer that my father had poured on me last night was still in my hair. I sighed, wiping my eyes of the remnants of my tears and got up to take a shower. I checked my phone, something I normally wouldn't do at all. Now I finally have someone to talk to; someone to call or text whenever I wanted to. But that certain someone was busy, and hadn't texted me. Which was fine by me.

I stuck my head out of the room, glancing around for my family. Neither of them was there, and I sighed, making my way across the room. My father had to be at the bar, or searching for my mother somewhere. He might have been a horrible person, but he really loved my mother. I don't know why he hated me so much. Destiny was probably off at the mall, looking for some guy to get in bed with her.

I gasped as I glanced in the bathroom mirror. For the first time in years, my face was clear. There were no ugly black and purple bruises spotting my skin. My hair was greased with dried beer and a small cut lined my jaw near my ear. I closed the door, took off my clothes and stepped in the shower. I stayed in the shower for a long time, letting the water run over me, burning my skin with warmth.

My phone rang as soon as I stepped out of the shower. I threw a towel on quickly, dashing towards it. "Helllllllo?" I answered, dragging the word out as I plugged in the hair dryer I had stolen from the trash after Destiny threw it away when she had gotten a new one.

I grabbed a hair brush, tugging it through the knots. "Danny?" her voice cut through me like a knife.

The brush almost fell out of my hands. I gasped. My voice was suddenly gone again. "Mm hm?" I hummed, biting the inside of my cheek.

"Wow. I, uh, I didn't, um, expect you to answer. Wow." She said again, astounded. "I just, uh, wanted to call and tell you that I, uh, left, and, um, I'm not coming back any time soon. Not while your father's still there. He's getting worse and worse, and I don't know what to do about it. I knew Destiny would be fine, but I was worried about you, honey. Are you alright? Has he…um…done anything?" she asked.

I stayed silent, awkwardly shifting my weight from foot to foot.

She sighed. "I knew it. I'm sorry, sweetie. I never meant for it to get this far. Everything will be fine soon. I promise. I, uh… I love you. I got to go to work. Bye. Call me… if you, uh, ever want to talk." The phone slid to the floor, and I only heard the last part from a distance.

Did I really just hear that? Did she really say that? For the first time in years, she finally started caring now. I ground my teeth together, quickly getting over the shock. She leaves and suddenly she has the right to be a motherly figure in my life? No. It doesn't work like that. You don't leave your kid with their abusive father and tell them that you cared now, but you weren't going to take them away from him. I cried out in anger, turning and flinging my brush across the room. How dare she? How dare she?

Glancing at the clock, my anger evaporated immediately as I gasped. It was almost five o'clock. I pulled out a white turtleneck to hide my scares on my neck and dug through my closet for a pair of black skinny jeans that had long been forgotten. I pulled on some black fur boots and braided my hair to the side. I brushed on some mascara, grabbed my bag, and in a rush, I forgot my jacket.

And the fact that my ankle was searing in pain.

I finally noticed when I came down the steps to the house. I hissed, bending down to rub the pain away. Luckily, it had gone down though. I stood up, choosing to ignore it, shaking my foot to think about something else before I started down the driveway. I limped as fast as I could down the street, glancing around wearily, looking for anything out of the ordinary. My eyes connected with the ground as soon as I saw a dark navy blue Ford pick-up truck waiting at the corner. I blushed, smiling when he got out as soon as I was near.

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