Chapter 1 (josh POV)

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Josh's POV:

Chapter 1:

"This is stupid," Levi whined for the hundredth time, crossing his arms over his chest.

Kyler, the quiet, calm little boy, growled at his younger cousin. "Thank you," he said sarcastically. "For that wonderful piece of information WE ALREADY KNEW!"

Cormac chuckled softly, still staring out the window with his chin in his hand. My hands tightened on the wheel as I glanced in the rearview mirror to check on the two boys in the back of the pick-up. Levi was glaring at Kyler with his mouth pressed into a firm line. "That's enough," I said before Levi could snap back at him. "Levi, we all know ya don't wanna move, but we got no choice. They were destroyin' our territ'ry."

"I know," he huffed, "but I wished we coulda stayed."

"Me too, bud." I sighed. "Me too." Even though a part of me agreed with my younger brother, the other half believed that something good would come out of this move. Something that couldn't be found back in Kentucky.

As we pulled up to the yellow ranch house, I noticed my parents were already there, unloading the horses and their supplies. Levi and Kyler were already out as soon as the car stopped. Cormac then leapt out, stretching his arms by his side. "It's so cold here!" he complained.

"It's win'er," I said, rolling my eyes as I opened the door. Indeed, cold air rushed into the car, making me shiver. The little ones raced around the front yard with Iya and Coffeeblue supervising.

"Josh!" the alpha called, beckoning me over to the stables behind the main house. I glanced around before complying. Where was Adam?

Forest surrounded the house to all side, drawing my wolf side to them. I was itching to shift: we had been driving for days and hadn't been able to run. "Let's go check out our new territ'ry." My father said as I entered the stable.

I felt my face light up. "Yes!" I agreed hastily. "Everybody comin'?"

He shrugged. "It'll take longer ta unpack, but we might as well explore a little."

I turned, a smile spreading across my face as I cupped my hands around my mouth. "C'mon, y'all! Let's get movin'!"

I heard Cormac yell excitedly, and soon the rest of the family joined in. Their whoops soon turned to howls as their wolf side took over, and I immediately felt that familiar tingling. I dropped on all fours, lifting my muzzle to the sky and letting loose a loud, long howl. I heard the alpha and his mate join in behind me. I even heard the little ones join in. Although Levi and Hanna had yet to fully shift, when both alpha shifted along with the mother, the kids shifted into pups. The alpha had a certain amount of control over the members of his pack, and he was able to make the children shift for reasons I had yet to understand.

Still, like every other member of the pack, they loved to be in their true form. I picked out Levi's tiny howl before he raced into the woods without a second thought. Levi! Many of us yelled after him, but to no avail. His dark gray coat darted into the forest, leaving me to chase after him. I let out a warning growl, telling him to stop, but the little pup shot like lightening, not slowing down to anything.

Levi! I barked as I hurled myself over a fallen log. Get back here!

No, his voice rang in my head. I just wanna ru-he yelped suddenly. A bark escaped my throat as I sped up, my paw pushing hard against the ground as I ran. I felt the presence of my pack behind me, their barks answering mine. Levi whimpered unexpectedly. Ouch. He said simply.

My mother sighed in relief. Levi, she said softly. Are you alright?

I'll scare 'er off, he replied and his tiny growl made me scoff. I knew he wouldn't scare away whatever had harmed him, but we could. As I ran, I opened my jaws to let out a piercing howl, and soon, the rest of them joined in.

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