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His ears flickered back and forth and he momentarily bared his teeth. I can't, Danny.

I found myself frowning. Why not? I asked.

Because, Danny, I literally cannot.

Why not? I asked again.

You know how I'm the alpha of my pack?

Yea, I guess. I said.

Well, I have control over my pack. If I say something, they have to obey it or they can be punished severely. Like death, or excommunication. And technically, since I'm not eighteen, I'm still a part of my father's pack. I can't have a real pack until I'm officially an adult. So my father has control over me. He told me not to tell anyone—you especially. I'm sorry. I really like you, Danny. Just this— this is killing me.

I was astounded. What? You-you like me?

He shook his head in exasperation, snorting. Of course. You're beautiful, Danny. He said as his tongue lolled out in a wolfish grin.

You know, you're a really bad liar. I thought, sniffling and pushing around him.

I'm not lying! He barked after me, but I paid him no mind. I hugged myself tightly against the cold and glanced back. He was gone.

"Danny!" Someone yelled. "Where the fuck is that girl?" I flinched and sped up me pace towards the house, suddenly realizing just how cold it was without my wolf by my side. I sighed when I saw my mother glancing out the back door. Her face was bright red and matched what used to be the whites of her eyes. "There you are. I was getting worried. Now, c'mon inside. Something's here for you."

For me? I thought. Something came for me? What does she mean? Jake winked when I passed him and Destiny watching a stupid romantic comedy in the living room. Destiny smirked at me, leaning further into Jake's chest as they cuddled on the couch. Jake copied her smile and chuckled at me. I shivered, keeping my eyes ahead of me and to the floor. Hesitantly, I opened the door, expecting to find a box. Instead, a vase of flowers stood on the porch. It was a banquet of flowers; different types and colors. I bent down to pick them up, finding a small note tucked in-between the flowers.


I saw a bunch of flowers somewhere and thought of you. And when I looked them up, I knew I had to get you some—especially picked out for you. But anyways, I didn't think you'd know what they represent, so I decided to look them up and put them in a note…

Pink roses represent friendship, something I cherish between the two of us—something I wouldn't trade for anything. Red and white roses represent unity. Sweetpeas represent shyness, and I know how shy you are. Orchids represent delicate beauty, of which you surely are. Sunflowers represent adoration, and ranunculuses represent radiance. White roses represent purity, and the daisy represents innocence. Passion flowers represent, well, the passion I hold for you. Tulips are a very…special flower. The red is a declaration of love, and the yellow means hopelessly in love. Now look in the middle—the very middle. You see those two flowers? They're my favorite out of the whole banquet. They almost mean the same thing…the lilac—the lilac represents the first love, and the red rose… Well, that's kind of obvious. The red rose means passionate love.

I don't care how much you think you aren't, but you are. You are beautiful, Danny.


I stared at the note for a few more seconds before putting the note in my pocket, not having the courage to rip it up as tears ran down my face. I took every white rose and daisy I could find and ripped them up, throwing them in the garden. Purity…innocence…I didn't have those anymore. They had been ripped away from me without my consent. But I couldn't bring myself to throw out the rest of the flowers. Tear drops fell onto the petals, making it seem as if they were still wildflowers coated with dew. I thought about throwing it into the yard until a car pulled onto our street. I spun around and went back inside quickly before they ended up in our driveway. I ran up to my room, trying to ignore the nasty things Jake called behind me that made me what to cry even more. Just as I grabbed the door to shut it, the bell rang. I stopped out of curiosity to listen as Destiny answered it.

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