levis bonus part 2

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Hanna!" I yelled. "Let's go! C'mon!" I growled lowly, pacing back and forth in front of the door.

"All right, all right!" she said, appearing at the top of the stairs. Her hair was curled and she wore a yellow sundress with a white sweater over her shoulders.

"You curled your hair?" I groaned, turning in a full circle. "No wonder you're late! Let's go!"

"Hey!" She said, bounding down the stairs. "I've gotta look good for my first day!"

I opened the door, letting her go out first. "What?" I scoffed. "So you can be popular in fourth grade?"

She turned to shoot a glare of her shoulder. "Shut up," she said bitterly. "It doesn't come easy for some people."

I pretended to flip my hair back. "I can't help it that I'm so stunnin'." I laughed at her look as I slipped into the driver's seat. "Just wait 'til ya get older, Hanna. You'll get even prettier and people'll wanna be around ya."

She stared at me for a full minute, her hands stuck in the middle of putting her seat belt on. Finally, she shook her head and buckled herself in. "You're different, Levi." She observed. "I can't put my finger on it, but you're different. Happier, almost."

I just smiled at her as I pulled onto a street. "Find the high school for me on the GPS, will ya?"

She shrugged. "Okay." She fished for the GSP in the glove box. "You know where the elementary school is, right?"

"Yea, saw it on our way it, member?"

"Oh, yea."

I turned up the radio, relaxing into the seat. "Hey!" Hanna said, looking up from fumbling with the GPS. "Look, Levi. There's someone walking on the side a the road."

I rolled my eyes. "And why would I ca-" I gasped, slamming on the break and pulling over.

"Get in the back, Hanna." I said, unbuckling.

"But Mom said never to pick up hitch-hikers!" She protested, crossing her arms over her chest.

I growled. "She's not a hitch-hiker! I know her, alright? Just... get in the back."

"Fine," she huffed, kicking the door open.

"Hey! Hanna! My car deserves respect." I growled, getting out of the car.

She stuck her tongue out at me and I returned the gesture before closing the door. I turned around, shoving my hands in my pockets and taking a deep breath.


No. No. No. I thought as the pick-up pulled over in front of me. I am not looking for a ride.

"Fine!" After a moment, a small girl got out on the passenger's side, turning and sticking her tongue out.

"Hey! Hanna! My car deserves respect." I stopped dead as a boy hopped out, doing the same to the girl before sticking his hands in his pockets.

Okay, Paris, I thought, he might be into me now, but as soon as he sees me at school...

"Hey," he said, stopping about a foot from me, the corner of his mouth picked up in a smile. "Celina, right?"

I nodded weakly, smiling just as strongly. "Uh, yea." I replied, glancing away from him and willing myself not to blush.

"I'm, uh, Levi," he said, sticking out his hand.

I took it awkwardly, giving him a genuine smile. "I know... I, uh, remember you."

"Great," he chuckled and then pointed at the truck over his shoulder. "You need a ride to school?"

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