Chapter Five

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"Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi"
― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Pholosophor's stone
(Translates to: "I show not your face but your heart's desire".)


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Blinking my eyes against the bright light that is interrupting the precious few hours of sleep I can get, I roll over in bed, groaning when my body reminds me of the beating I received last night. It had been a long one, hence how exhausted I felt, and it had felt more violent than normal, but that might have been down to the fact that the monster had let him free reign of the basement and all its tools.

I lay there, keeping my eyes closed, trying to will myself back into sleep when my phone starts to play 'Fiesta' by +Plus, the song I had set for whenever Faith was trying to get incontact with me so I knew when it was safe to answer my phone.

Grumbling, I reach a hand out blindly around the floor beside my bed, and peeking an eye open. Grabbing it, I hit the answer button and put it to my ear, grumbling about how early it is and how dare someone awake me and to prepare for death.

I assume Faith got the gist of my sleepy rant as I only hear laughing over the other end for a moment.

"Oh Wills, what will I do with you! Its 11am, I'll pick you up in an hour! We're going shopping!" She chirps, way too happy for me in my still sleepy state.

"Faith, I have no money this weekend" I sigh down the phone, the idea of dragging my body around a large and crowed shopping centre at the bottom of the list of things that sound remotely appealing to me.

"Today's on me, Lemon! Now up and dressed or I'm dragging you there in your jammies! See ya dork face!" she calls rather loudly down the phone before the line goes dead. Great. Letting out a heavy and most likely over dramatic sigh, I roll myself out of bed, still feeling sore and sluggish. Grabbing my towel from my drawer, I have to keep my own one separate other wise the monster uses it for all manner of things that I didn't want to know or think about, and creep next door to the bathroom, locking it behind me and turning the shower up to a steaming hot temperature. Whilst waiting for the water to heat, I strip out my large top and jammie shorts, pulling my hair out from the mess I tried to dub as a bun. I turn to face the mirror on the back of the bathroom door and let my eyes sweep over my body, taking in the disaster standing before me.

My hair, although it looked an awesome bright red, was still a state, knotting and matted together with darker splotches that I'm assuming is blood from last night, and is sticking in every direction. My skin, although a natural tanned colour normally, is looking paper white, while under my eyes houses two large purple bags, telling everyone that I am indeed, tired. My face is a little puffy, again, I'm assuming its from crying and the few slaps I received last night, so hopefully the shower will wash that away with the rest of the evidence.

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