Chapter Twenty-Three

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A/N: IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ! Okay so, I'll be quick. This chapter is not only pretty lengthy, but I am putting a WARNING! here. This chaper not only mentions sexual assult but it has some details of it, so includes Mature content. If you wish to skip this, I have it set between ' *.* ' so when you see that, and wish to skip it, just scroll till you see ' *.* ' again. Without further ado! Please enjoy and all votes and comments are very much appreaciated!

"Fear is not evil. It tells you what your weakness is. And once you know your weakness, you can become stronger as well as kinder."
― Gildarts, Fairy Tail.

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I feel myself slowly drifting into consciousness, my body slowly informing me of all my aches and pains as my brain begins to kick into gear. I refuse to move, to make a noise. I want to stay asleep, I'm unusually warm and comfortable, and I don't want to give that up yet.

There's a shuffling noise somewhere in the room that I pick up, my hearing suddenly sharpening as I listened closely. But stopped after a short moment and the silence continued undisturbed. I feel my brows furrow as I think about what happened, my memories of the last couple days feeling slightly hazy. I peek an eye open slightly, having to give myself a few moments and blinking a little to let my sight adjust. I recognise the room, a familiar scent surrounding me.

Was I in Seths room?

Just then my memories clear up and I remember what happened. I told someone. Oh god, I told Seth, my long lost brother that I was beaten and rape.

Oh god.

I felt the bile rising in my throat as I jumped up and scrambled to the en suite bathroom, slamming the door behind me before throwing my head over the toilet bowl and emptying the contents of my stomach – not that there was really much.

I heard the click of the door open before someone is pulling my hair back and out of my face, a hand gently rubbing circles on my back as my body convulsed and heaved, attempting to expel anything from my empty body.

Once I had stopped, I closed the lid and flushed, leaning my head against the lid for a moment, letting the cool surface spread through me.

"Come on Panda." Muttered Seth from behind me as his hands slipped round my waist and he lifted me to my feet. He made sure I was steady before letting go. I brushed my teeth after Seth went and fetched me my toothbrush from my bag and he handed me some mouth wash from his cabinet.

Once done he grabbed my hand and led me back to the room, pushing me down onto the bed gently as he looked down at me. He lifted his hand and placed the back of it over my head as he furrowed his brows.

"You feel a little warm, how are you feeling?" I look up at him and shrug.

"Tired and sore I guess, but I always feel like that." Seth's worry turns into a scowl before he sighs.

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