Chapter FourtySix

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"Life breaks free. Life expands to new territories. Painfully, perhaps even dangerously. But life finds a way."
― Michael Crichton, Jurassic Park

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Taking a deep breath, I sooth out imaginary creases in my outfit. It wasn't anything special, ripped jeans and a pretty top. I couldn't help checking and rechecking myself, nervous for tonight.

It would be the first time in over half a year that I would be seeing my colleges – though I suppose that would be ex-colleges now. Gramps was adamant that I left work and focused my energy and time on my dreams.

With a final glance at my plain outfit, I turn my back to the mirror and make my way down stairs to the living-room where Seth and Jasper are waiting for me, the others apparently meeting us there later.

"Ready little Z?" Jasper asked, standing when I entered. I nodded, glancing over at Seth who also stood, shoving a hand into his pocket.

"It'll be alright amore mio. Remember you have us there too." He reassured with a gentle smile. I nodded although I still felt unsure and nervous. They all knew I had been off on maternity leave, and that I had recently lost the baby. They didn't know the circumstances behind it all but even so, it still put me on edge.

The drive there I was quiet, sitting playing with my hands in my lap as Seth and Jasper chatted about goddess knows what. And before I could fully prepare myself, I was trailing behind Seth and Jasper as they casually strolled up to the door, no hesitation as they walk right in.

And I was suddenly surrounded by familiar walls and scents, ones that made memories, good and bad all rush to the front of my mind. I blinked back my emotions as I hurried to catch up to Seth and Jasperwho were just sitting down at a table at the back, the one they had normally set themselves up at.

"WILLS!" Before I could turn, I'm tackled in a tight hold, my face pressed against a firm chest. Immediately feeling the panic rising I begin to squirm and struggle, wiggling out of the persons grip and taking a huge step back and inhaling deeply.

Looking up, I feel silly for pulling away, as Alec gives me a look of concern.

"I'm sorry Wills, I didn't mean to scare you. It's just been so long sinceI last saw you, and I missed you." He glanced down a moment before looking back up to my face, a small smile on his face.

"You're looking good." I felt my face redden as I looked down.

"Oh! No! I meant, you look better, healthy! Not that you don't look good cause you do too, beautiful as always! Not that you didn't before either, I mean, you were..."
"Mate, you're making it worse." Jasper stepped beside him with a smirk and a hand on his shoulder before looking at me, his smirk melting into a soft smile.

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