Chapter Eleven

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"There is some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for."
―J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers

 Tolkien, The Two Towers

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It had been overwhelming, Ally and Gary advancing on me. I knew what the outcome was going to be, and I felt my insides dropping. I was pressed hard against the wall, praying to what ever god or deity for a miracle. I'd for sure be passed about after this, if Ally could get away with it.

Just then, Jacob wandered round the corner, looking up, brows knitting together.

"Hey guys, what's happening?" he calls, looking between all of us expectantly.

"Nothing much man, just playing about. What's up?" Ally shrugs, shoving his hands into his pocket.

"Coach wants a team meeting! Jacob nods, eyes trailing down me before looking back at Ally.

"Another? He really needs to go fuck himself!" Ally Grumbles, taking a step back from me,

"Little Red, I'll see ya tonight for our date" he calls behind him, not even looking back at me as he and Gary disappearsaround the corner. Jacob stood silent for a moment, watching, before he gave me a brief nod and followed behind Ally and Gary.

I was left alone, breathing ragged and uneven. That was too close.

I felt all my emotions weighing down on me.

Taking a step forward, then another, I stumbled away from the side of the building, picking up speed until I was sprinting down random streets, not paying attention to which direction I was going.

I finally stopped, breathing heavily laboured, bending over with my hands on my knees. Glancing about me as I tried to gulp down oxygen, I seen a cute little play park to my left, but nothing about me was recognisable.

Just then I heard the thundering of footsteps behind me, striking fear straight into my heart. Was I being chased?

I lunged forward, skidding through the park gate, eyes scanning about. Spotting the slide and climbing board, I ran for that, swinging round the frame and, to my luck, there was a small gap behind them. I could crawl behind the board and be hidden from sight.

"Hey! Where'd she go?" Shouting behind me snapped me back to reality, kicking me into gear, diving forward to the small gap, not caring about scruffing myself up at this point. I tried to quieten my breathing, feeling my heart pounding in my ears as I brought my knees up, closing my eyes.

"She was just here! Where did she go?" The close proximity of the voice shocked me, They must have been just behind me,

"I don't know Zack, you go look over there, she can't have gone far." A familiar voice instructed. I know the identity's of those chasing me. However, I refused to budge. I certainly wasn't in any state to face anyone. I could hear the soft foot falls fading and I let out a quiet breath, digging a fist into my eyes to try and lessen the tears.

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