Chapter Twenty-One

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*Alexandrielle's POV*

    His back flex as I watch him cook for me. He's shirtless, just a black pants on his waist as he turns those mouthwatering pancakes. I can't help but admire him even after what happened. He's just so...magnificent, but still rotten at the same time. But why does every time I'm with him, it feels as if we are just meant to be. That we don't have to be forcefully engaged just to be brought together. Everything just feels natural with him, even after that incident.

    I know I shouldn't think like this but my body needs him, and my crazy heart is still beating for him.

    Last night was a nightmare, I thought it wasn't true. But after waking up with Zach beside me, I know it isn't. I just freaked out this morning, waking up beside the person that hurted me. He just woke up and asked what's wrong and I just yelled at him to get lost and all while he just gave me a disbelieving look. After actually leaving through the door, I felt so cold. Numb and freezing, like I myself is standing in North Pole itself. The warmth of my clothes or anything didn't ease it and unfortunately, I have to call for Zach, whose touch gives me warmth I couldn't have. How ironic.

    And now, here I am, in a kitchen stool; watching the guy I once love cook for me...and admiring him. Let's not add that.

    Placing the pancakes in front of me, the scent wafted around the room that caused my mouth to water. He walked to the fridge and took out a fresh milk and heated it a little before serving it to me.

    Sitting across me which is oddly far away, my body yearning for him again as the cold seeps in once again. Tightening the duvet around me, I looked at him.

    "Aren't you eating?" I asked and he looked up, seeming distracted. He frowned in confusion before looking at my plate and looking in front of him - which is empty - with a sigh.

    "I think I'll pass" he breathed out heavily, seeming so stressed. I wonder what's happening.

    When he checked me out earlier, I've got no all. Weird. We called the doctor that once treated me and he said he doesn't know anything about sudden feeling of coldness after a nightmare. He suggested it could be a mild trauma but there were no signs like these, so it's not.

    Looking at him skeptically, I started eating while observing him. He really looks distracted. Doing something yet not at the same time. Do I make any sense? I guess not. But, he looks as if he knows something but doesn't believe it, like he DON'T WANT to believe it. He's frowning so hard, his brows furrowed deeply, eyes staring hard on the table with his lips pressed in a thin line. His hands are clenched and his muscles bulge in his arms with the force he wants to explode.

    "Are you OK?" I asked but it seems as if he couldn't even hear me with how deep he is thinking. Whatever it is, it must be so serious that it bothers him. I mean, he's the most powerful dominant here and if whatever he is thinking is bothering him, then that only means it is something bad.

    Shivering in my seat once I'm finished, I dug my hands in the duvet as I tighten it around me. There it is again, that freezing cold.

    Suddenly, arms snaked underneath me and from the warmth, I know it is Zach.

    Who else do you think? Romeo that will sweep his Juliet off her feet? You guys are alone in the house, remember?

    My inner voice snapped at me and I mentally slapped myself.

    Zach carried me to the living room and gently lay me down on the biggest couch that may be considered as a bed if possible.

    When he pulled away from me, his warmth also left me and I whimpered.

    Sighing, he crouched down on my level and kept his hand in mine; which is oddly enough to warm the area surrounding it.

    "Do you want to watch something?" He asked and his eyes kind of dropped low before maintaining eye contact with me.

    "Do you have any other fantasy movies?" I asked. I want to watch New Moon again but it leaves me a memory of me and Zach together that gives me that painful tug at my heart.

    He think for a moment, "Have you watched Goosebumps?" He asked with a slight hope in his voice that makes my heart warm...really crazy.

    "No" I answered and he gave me a small grin that makes his eyes twinkle a bit. The sight gave me goosebumps...literally, and I don't think it's from the cold anymore.

    "Then I guess we'll settle with that one" he said as he stand up and walked to the CD boxes and finding it in a short time. Clearly he knows exactly where it is.

    "Hopefully you're not into a little horror?" His meaning is suggestive but his tone is quite gleeful. That somehow makes a small smile grace to my lips. If only nothing happened, then we would be watching this like the couple we became before everything became messed up.

    "As long as there's no person getting opened up in the stomach then I'm good." I said with a shrug as he gave me that grin, but this time, it's a full grin that made my heart flutter.

    "It'll make you scream though. Just don't hurt my eardrums and we're both good" he remarked with a wink that has the eagles in my stomach waking.

    When will I stop getting effected by him?

Dominant Book 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora