Chapter Forty-Seven II

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Date written: July 13, 2017 5:11 pm

Song for the chapter: 'That should be me' by Justin Bieber for Zach and 'Sometimes love just ain't enough' for Tyler.


*Alexandrielle's POV*

I stood there alone, with the other dominants eyeing me in such ways that has me bristling towards them. When Tyron stormed off, Tyler had an internal conflict in his self. He wants to go after his brother but at the same time, he couldn't leave me.

After a lot of debating and assurance, he finally sets off towards him with a kiss on my forehead.

As I stood there, I realized I haven't felt that same feeling I get when Zach is looking at me. More like, I haven't felt his presence yet. Where is he?

Wait...why am I looking for him anyway?

Suddenly, the door of the main hall banged open and in came the person I am looking for...Zach.

Tyson and Tyron walk behind him looking troubled as they frantically search around for someone...specifically: Me.

Before anything could happen though, all dominants headed outside; not wanting to face the wrath that is coming.

Zach's aura has my legs shaking and my shoulders hunching. The amount of testosterone that his dominance gives has my eyes watering at the intensity of it. His whole presence dominated the room along with a loud animalistic roar that has the other dominants practically running out of the hall.

When his eyes met mine, I swear it has a fiery glow in it...almost red in color. I didn't have time to comprehend anything before he was stood directly in front of me. His chest is heaving up and down so hard as growls tumble out of his throat and vibrate to me. I shivered in fright. Never have I been so scared in my life.

He suddenly grabbed the back of my neck and jerked me to him. His chest continues to vibrate as he sniffs me. Immediately, he draws back with an angry roar. His eyes so dark now that all comparison and description I said before about them being comfortable is now gone. I now understand why everyone fears him.

Just one look of that furious eyes of his is enough to make you feel as if you've gone to hell and met the devil yourself.

"So it's true" was what he said in his gruff voice accompanied by a growl. His body shook with the intensity of his anger.

"How could you do this to me?!" He screamed. His voice raw and painful. Unshed tears glassed his eyes that has mine watering.

"Zach I-" I started but stopped when he took a step away from me.

"You made it clear that you needed time for my mistakes" he growled out. The hurt he so hardly tries to hide with anger is showing itself.

He smiled sadly with a bitter laugh. "It's funny how you used that time to have me replaced. Now tell me, Lex..." He said the nickname he gave me like an insult. " good is he in pleasing you?" Tears leaked out from my eyes at his accusation. Although I couldn't say it like that because I really did the deed.

He continues to laugh bitterly, shaking his head while murmuring 'I'm going mad' and 'I can't believe it'. His eyes is still glassing over like laughing like that is the reason why those tears are not spilling. My heart constricted in guilt but at the same time, anger.

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