Final Epilogue

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AN: Lucia during the ritual ☝☝ and song: Never Let You Go by Justin Bieber


*Zach's POV*

Most people see love as a hurdle, something that destroys people, something that breaks them completely instead of seeing it as a beautiful thing.

Some people sees people who are in love as pathetic and weak. Some view them as morons and idiots. Some sees them as poor lost souls who doesn't know what they're getting themselves into.

While those people who are in love sees them as the bitter ones, who doesn't know what it feels to love, those who don't know that happy feeling, that feeling of completeness, of pure joy...but what they know is that, mostly, those people are already the ones who had gone through what love has to offer. Gone through all the pain, the struggles and loss...then why the bitterness?

That's because they didn't last long to see what love has to offer on the bright side.

One had said, "Love is the most beautiful feeling in the whole world yet it is also the most painful."

But ask yourself this, was it really love that makes everything hard?

My journey with Lex isn't perfect, it is just like what those bitter people would say...we are pathetic, we're just wasting our times in fantasies, we don't know what we're getting ourselves into, that we're only going to get ourselves hurt.

All of them are probably true. But was there any perfect relationships at all?

Love is something that comes into our life when we least expects it. It comes at its own time, it could probably have the worst timing but love is love. We can't control it. We can't demand it to do what we want. It has its own pace, its own way.

Our relationship with Lex started in an unruly time, a time where she should be living a normal life and not being sold out by her parents. Winning her over and making her see a brighter view of life is like a rocky mountain that can wound and injure you with one wrong step placed. She is a girl that was denied of the brighter things the world has. She was raised in an isolated upbringing, no feelings...just detached.

I don't know back then why this sharp toothed devil intrigues me so much. All I know is that I feel myself falling for her so fast that it scared me. Yet I know in the back of my mind, she is the girl that will fill my wretched world completely.

We may have gone through a lot of challenges to the point of betraying and hurting each other but even with all that, our love remained. No matter how tainted, how wretched, how destroyed it remained.

If only, we have more time to forgive ourselves and each other, if only we have the time to start over again, to make it up...then we would.

But life is cruel. It denies us of the things we badly needed at a needed time.

The only way to make this a sacrifice.

As I lie beside her unconscious body in the middle of a snow covered clearing in the forest, I can't help but reminisce every moment we shared together, all her sarcastic remarks, her voice, her smiles, her eyes, her skin, her touch, her scent...I want to be with her again like those times.

I want to walk this world with her again and just yell at it when it throws a hurdle towards us. I want to hold her hands as we continue our journey to life, always together never apart. I want to continue the disrupted marriage deal we had that even though it started rough, I wanted to end it beautifully and happily memorable for her. I want to kiss her more, hold her more, breathe in her scent more...I want to expect a future as a family, a family where we will have children. Perhaps a few males and a female. I want to experience how it feels to raise a child, to drop them to school, to feed them, to experience changing a diaper, to experience reprimanding and playing with them, I want to watch them grow maturely, continue on our legacies and soon give us grandkids and so on. I want a life where Lex and I grow old together and never get tired of each other.

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