Chapter Sixty-Four

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Date Written: September 21, 2017

AN: Think dominant guys...I need you to not miss a single detail ;)

Cover up there is my drawing. Hehe...took me a whole day trying to perfect it ^_^... How's it? Crappy, I know ;-P


Back at the present...

*Alexandrielle's POV*

I woke up in a hospital that day, the white ceiling is the one that greeted me along with Tyson and Tyler snoring loudly in different sitting positions on their chairs.

Mr. Harrison came when Mr. Collins called him - much to my disappointment when Zach is not with him - when he found me burning in my room. Both are quiet about my condition and I don't have to guess to know that what is happening to me is something drastic.

When my parents found out about what happened, they stormed in the house, demanding me to be taken to the hospital to prevent something worse to happen. I remembered the way Mr. Harrison raised his brow at them skeptically especially when I was taken to the same hospital I was in when I lost

Thinking about it still leaves me feeling the loss, feeling the pain of the future I should be having now. It's not even helping remembering the dream.

I was sedated most of the time, the same doctor giving me what he call vitamins and injecting me with things that makes me feel funny.

Throughout my waking times, Mr. Harrison would always raise a brow at what the doctor said or what my parents said. It's as if he's trying to read them, like he's sensing something's off.

Even I sense it a bit. My other side is still weak with whatever it is that is happening with me. I would always catch mom or dad talking in hushed tones with that doctor whenever they think I'm sleeping. I couldn't understand what they're talking though, but I'm sure it has to do with me the way I feel my mother's eyes at me sometimes.

Grandfather had also visited yet he's skeptical towards me. But at times when I notice him staring at me, I see longing and pain in those eyes of his that has my heart clenching for him; whatever it is he is feeling. He doesn't talk to me and so do I. There's just nothing to talk about but I also see the way he raises his eyebrow at the doctor and my parents at times like Mr. Harrison too.

I guess this is a sign that something is off. More especially is the way both Mr. Harrison and grandpa looking at the things that the doctor injects in me in suspicion.

I spent the whole week in that hospital, finding it hard to stay at ease to rest and heal because I can't contact Zach. My phone is not with me and Tyson always forgets to take it with him whenever he comes back to shower and clean up back at the house.

The real question is, am I even going to have the courage to even call Zach after that? Just thinking of it gives me that same pain again.

A loud thud came from Tyson - more like, his direction anyway, he's not on the chair when I turned my head to look at him.

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