Chapter Forty-One

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*Third Person's POV*

    The ball started with a calming classical music playing in the background. The males of different ages littered around, some with their females and ties while others are just with friends.

    Mr. Harrison weaves in and out of the crowd with Alexandrielle and Zach in tow. The two rascals excused themselves in a matter of business (that's their excuse) only for Alexandrielle to catch them flirting with some guests of some other young dominants of their age.

    'Flirty monkeys' she thought to herself as Mr. Harrison introduces her to some of his business friends or faraway relatives. Most of the Harrison's friends are nice enough while some have hidden menace in their eyes. This causes her to become agitated.

    The crowd feels like a plastic bag that slowly closes around her, suffocating her like drowning in the sea that breathing is becoming a painful process to her.

    A huge warm hand grasps hers as tingles and sparks danced through her skin. Letting out a heavy breath of air, she steps closer to Zach and grasped his forearms. Zach stiffened a bit before relaxing.

    "Hey yo man!" A certain guy called out to Zach as he just nodded in acknowledgement.

    The guy smiled at Alexandrielle gently before turning towards Zach. "Hey man, I'm sorry for how my brother acted towards you and your fiancé. It's just that...he thought you would choose our sister as your wife but...I guess you never really implied anything." Alexandrielle frowned at his words. Who is he?

    "It's fine. Just warn him not to do anything to Lex. You all know what I can do if ever you lay a hand on her" Zach warned him without menace but the promise of great pain still leaves his voice. Alexandrielle knows it is his protective side that is talking so she just shrugged off whatever her heart is telling her.

    The guy nodded. "I completely understand. But you know he is stubborn. I tried talking to him but he didn't listen. So I guess it's best to keep her safe and well guarded. He's a tricky one. I know he will do something again." He warned them and Zach nodded at him.

    "Thanks for your concern Aaron. We really appreciate it" Zach nodded as the other guy Aaron nodded back.

    Turning towards Alexandrielle, he gently smiled at her; his features that of an easygoing schoolboy that has her tilting her head a little bit in interest.

    'This is that Anderson guy's brother? He doesn't seem like he is one.' She thought to herself.

    "It's a pleasure to meet you, Alexandrielle. I apologize for my brother's behavior." He sounded sincere with a little frown at his brother's actions.

    "It's OK" she smiled a bit at him in gratitude as he nodded before waving his goodbye and leaving.

    They continued on with getting to know more about other dominants. The Harrison's didn't introduce her to the dominants near her age in a prevention of a fight. Those males would surely sniff around her and Zach is already at edge that could easily start a fight with the first sign he gets.

    Alexandrielle felt her purse vibrate as she shivered at the ticklish feeling it gave. Zach looked at her from the corner of his eyes before answering their company.

    She brought her cellphone out to see message from the person she never expected.

    "Enjoying yourself? :)


    She smiled at the screen as she started to type back a text to him.

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