Chapter Forty-Eight

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Date Written: July 31-August 4,2017


*Third Person's POV*

    The night is dark and everything is silent. The songs of the night was silenced as an eerie feeling hangs in the air, a sign of a bad omen. It should be a night of celebration. Dominants should be outside, basking in the glow of the full moon; yet it's different. The air has the chill in it like the devil is lurking out there...unseen.

    A knock has Alexandrielle looking at the door. Sleep wasn't her friend lately and she feels as if it too have forsaken her. She's lying at Tyler's bed with his arms draped around her waist. Her other side have left her, hidden in the darkest part of her mind. Her betrayal have caused such rift between them and Zach is their undoing.

    The knock came again and she sat up only for Tyler to wake up.

    "Something wrong?" He asked as he looked around the room. He had came after her when she ran away only to find her weeping her now turned ash of a heart in front of the fountain of the goddess Aleera. He knew she could never love him as much as she can love Zach but he's hoping that someday...she will be able to love him more than him.

    As if on cue, the knock came again but louder. Both got off the bed and opened the door only to reveal a pissed off Tyron, looking at them with arms crossed.

    Alexandrielle opened her mouth to ask something but Tyron beat her to it, "There's an important business you need to attend to."

    Both frowned in response. "But it's in the middle of the night. Can't it wait?" She asked him but he just raised an eyebrow. The rude action has her bristling towards him.

    "Dominants aren't ones to be kept waiting" was Tyron's icy cold reply as his brother gave him a warning look. Tyler knows Tyron when he's pissed and all but he gets too rude and that irks him.

    Alexandrielle narrowed her eyes at him. "Are we good, Tyron?" She asked him while he just stared at her blankly.

    "No we're not" was his blunt reply and she was taken aback.

    Before she could say anything, Tyron beat her to it for the second time.

    "Go change into something else, Lex" he sneered a bit as Alexandrielle stiffened, remembering that she has Tyler's shirt on. "And be sure to scrub his scent off you. We don't want to provoke the beast any further" was the last he said before a punch landed on his face.

    Alexandrielle growled at him menacingly as her chest heaves up and down raggedly. Tyler stilled her but she is still shaking in anger. Her limit has been crossed and she couldn't take being insulted any further.

    Blood dripped down from Tyron's nose as he slowly turned his head towards her. "You done now?" He asked her in such menace he had never used on anyone before. Alexandrielle shook even harder as her anger intensifies. "Go and change, Lex. We don't have much time"

    Alexandrielle snatched her arms from Tyler's grip and marched angrily towards the bathroom before she could do something she'll regret.

    "What the fuck Tyron?!" Tyler screamed at his brother.

    "Stay out of this, Tyler. This is none of your business" was Tyron's reply as he wipes the blood from his nose. The bleeding had stopped now but a problem lingers in his mind. Zach had told him and Tyson about Alexandrielle's case yesterday. The intense cold she's feeling, the nightmares of death, the flashing eyes of red, her agitation and anxiety with crowded places, her aggression, and her immediate gain of strength. All are perfect signs of what all dominants dread the most. Zach had been through the same, and luckily, he was young and his family prevented him from turning fully at a great prize. But with Alexandrielle, she's on the verge of being a full-grown dominant female and that is even more dangerous. It didn't even help that she has to show such signs at a very risky circumstance. Zach decided that it is him who is causing her this so he has to let her go. Yet they need to clear out the air first before Zach could let her go, or before he changes his mind and decides to keep her with him.

    Tyron's heart constricted in pain for his friend. They may not be as close as most cliche stories make guy best friends turn out to be, but in his heart he is his brother. It tears him apart to watch him sacrifice his happiness again for something he has no chance of having.

    "None of my business? This is Alexa we're talking about!" Tyler screamed at him in frustration as he growled his way. Regardless of who is born first, Tyler sure has the balls to challenge him, the first born who is known to be the strongest of the Collins clan.

    "And what about it? This is her life, Tyler. This is her business and whatever is in it, it doesn't include you" he made sure to pierce his words through his heart to make him understand that Alexandrielle and him are never meant to be. EVER!

    Hurt clouded his younger brother's features and his brotherly side felt sorry for him. "You know you have no chance with her" he said gently to his brother who is on the verge of crying. Tyler always has a soft spot for Lex but even then, the twins knew they could never be together. That Lex is just a star that can only be stared at and can never be pursued. They made sure he understands this but the guy is too head over heels and too stubborn to even listen. He will only get himself hurt even more.

    "That's all you know! Because when your tie left you, you didn't fight for her! You just let her leave because you're too much of a coward to fight for something that is yours! If I can fight for something that isn't mine, why can't you fight for what's yours?!" The hurt of the past came surfacing in Tyron's heart and his other side took control of his body.

    "Haven't you learn your place, number three?" He sneered the name they use to tease on their younger brother. It was once an endearment for the siblings but he has a feeling that it will change.

    In a flash, he already has his brother's throat in his grip. Tyler struggled in his hold, his other side also resurfacing at the threat, although he has no chance against a first-born dominant and he is not trained well to even have a chance at beating him. Still, he continued to fight.

    All patience left Tyron as he slammed him in the wall that the whole room shook with its force. "Listen to me because I don't like repeating myself" he growled at, at his struggling brother. "You will stay here and here ONLY. Lex will come with me and she has to face this by herself" he made it clear with a growl from his chest.

    Tyler's other side retreated back in his body at his older brother's threat yet Tyler is not backing down. "You're a fool if you think I'll ever let her be alone again. I'm coming with her because she needed me. I'm coming whether you like it or not because that's final!"

    Tyron's eyes turned dangerously obsidian black that has lower dominants cowering at the sight if seen. The air started to twist dangerously at the anger that is resonating from the raging first born.

    Tyler immediately cowered, regretting his choice of words. Tyron is the guy that should never be manipulated, controlled, dictated or provoked in any way and he learned it firsthand when he mentioned Alisha - Tyron's tie - a few years back because of an argument. Tyron had made sure he learned his lesson but Tyler didn't seem to remember.

    Before Tyler could start to take back his words, a clawed hand gripped Tyron's forearm that had blood trailing down from the punctured skin.

    "Let him go"

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