Chapter Fifty-Nine

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Date written: September 6, 2017


*Alexandrielle's POV*

    Darkness. Just...darkness. Ok it's not completely dark. There is a light streaming inside the room from the moon. Hey! It rhymes!

    I banged my head at headboard of the bed. For the past week after Zach left, I've been nothing but a rag doll only moving when someone else has to move me.

    Oh wait! It's suppose to be a puppet than a doll.

    I smacked my face, feeling so stupid. I haven't been thinking straight lately. After the twins and Tyler came to get me all soaked and wet, I just became a puppet. I also felt a longing feeling when I saw Tyson and a brunette girl I've seen him with before bidding each other goodbye with a promise to be together soon. My heart ached just thinking how there is 3 to 0 percent of Zach and I going to be together again.

    They took me to their house which is as extravagant as any other high ranking dominant but I couldn't help the cold feeling I always have.

    I've tried talking to Zach, messaging him every hour or so and sometimes calling. All either go unreplied and unanswered. With each and every unreplied texts and unanswered call, my heart always tugs so painfully but I keep hoping that he'll answer somehow. I can't give up that easily.

    The first few days consists of me bawling my eyes out in my room. The three always tries to console me but there's not much of a success. On the fourth day though, I willed myself to get up and try to be myself. This is what I want right? The feeling of freedom and happiness? I would've rejoiced but just remembering Zach's story and all the pain he's been through, I just hoped I didn't do any of the things I've done. I only hurted him even more.

    At mornings, I am this sarcastic overly normal girl which is so unlike me. Can you blame me? I just wanted to forget this pain in my chest. I tried cooking (surprise surprise surprise) to the extent where the cabinets are filled with cook books. I cringed remembering how a flaming hotdog jumped out of the pan one time that I even had a hard time stopping the fire. I just busied myself, doing even the most nonsense things just to keep my mind off this nagging pain in my heart.

    Tyler sees it as an improvement but is still worried, although I always cry myself to sleep at night just remembering all of our happy times together with Zach. Sad thing is, I ruined it.

    There is also a time of the day where the twins would say they're going to check things in the company, only to come back with Zach's lingering scent on them. When I first smelled his scent on the two, I asked how Zach is only for Tyron to snap at me. be safe, I didn't dare ask since then, but every time they come home with Zach's scent, I always excuse myself to my room where I will bawl all my curiosity and longing for Zach.

    Lying down again on the bed, I sighed as I close my eyes to sleep. I concentrated on making my mind blank so that I could go to sleep but heck! Flashes of Zach's smile and cute frown always pop in my head. I tightltly shut my eyes, not willing it to open so that I could finally go to sleep!

    After a few minutes of my futile attempt, I opened my eyes with an annoyed groan.

    Rubbing my face in my hands, I looked at the clock beside me to see it read 11:59. Nearly midnight. Or more like, 1 minute before midnight.

    Rolling to my other side, my hands instinctively reached out for the phone innocently lying there. I stopped my movements before I could reach it, hesitating.

    Should I text him again? Ask if he's ok? But it's nearly midnight, he could be asleep and resting. Maybe he needs some space? My constant texting and calling might've annoyed him and disturb him at the same time. I'm not really helping, am I?

    Biting my lip, I grabbed the phone and immediately dialed the number I know by heart. Just this one last time. Just this one more time.

    It rang and rang. Just ringing. Always ringing. My heart is always beating loudly the way it always does when it comes to Zach.

    Pure anticipation and a flicker of hope filled my chest as I pray to whoever is out there to let him answer just this one call. I just really need to hear his voice.

    My nights are always filled with bloody nightmares with a startling wake of bloody red vision. There was this heavy greed to drink blood just like when I was still with Zach. Except now, I don't have Zach with me to calm me down. That only added me to fight whatever it is that is happening to me to stop.

    At the fifth ring, I thought no one would answer and I was actually ready to hung up when suddenly, a faint beep was heard before a voice came over.

    "Hello?" My heart froze.


    AN: Cliffhanger!! 😉 Hehe my bad. What do you guys think?

    So so so sorry for not updating for...2-3 days or so? I'm really sorry. I got so much school stuff to do that should be illegal 😑😑

    Anyways, stay safe my chocolates 😘😘.


Dominant Book 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora