Chapter Eighty-One

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Date Written: December 31, 2017


*Third Person's POV*

    Grayson can't help but be agitated the more seconds tick by with Damien grinning in malice. He could feel his other side pacing in his mind restlessly, wanting nothing more than to reach out and slit his throat open.

    Of course he couldn't do that. He'll be dead before he could even take a step out of this oaf's office, and he surely doesn't want to make an enemy out of Damien's alliances in Europe. He knows how strong their forces are and he doesn't want his company, nor his family, to be targeted by just an irrational move from him.

    Looking at Damien again, he growled in anger as he bared his fangs at the fox. "Stop grinning! I'm not looking for teeth to buy!" He gritted as Damien burst out laughing. The nerve!

    "Chill, Grayson. Chill" he snickered that has him clenching his fists tighter.

    "That's it!" He exclaimed frustratingly and stood up. He had enough of his crazyness and he should be there with his son, aiding him and not sitting here with the crazy baboon!

    He ignored his irritating laugh behind him before Damien spoke.

    "I heard Fernando's house is in a wreck. Probably with blood in the canvas too?" He could feel the evil grin at his voice. He froze in his spot as his whole body tensed.

    Damien grinned, knowing that he got his attention. "You know Jaken? Aaah yes of course. He was suppose to be the heir of the company after your granddaughter is married to Zach. Seeing as sadly that haven't happened should be interesting" he mused, his grin widening as Grayson tensed even more.

    "What will happen now that...she didn't turn out the way we lead her to?" He snickered at his words as he noticed the way blood is oozing out of Grayson's clenched fists. "Of course, she shouldn't be our concern. My grandson is taking good care of her" he continued with a smirk.

    Damien took slow tentative steps that could resemble a fox playing with his toy as he nears Grayson's tensed form.

    "What we should be concerned about is...what about Jaken? I heard Alexandrielle got a claw out of him" he smiled evilly.

    In a flash, Grayson has his claws wrapped around the oaf's throat. Its sharp edges cutting through the skin of Damien's throat, enough to draw blood but not enough to actually kill. If only he could sink it deeper.

    "" Grayson gritted out as his whole body shook in restraint not to let his other side take control. He knew that once he does, this whole room would be bathed in Damien's blood with his limbs and organs decorated in the whole place.

    Damien let out a cough of blood before grinning again; his teeth tainted with the crimson liquid. He had always loved riling people up.

    "Don't you know now? Your granddaughter, Alexandrielle, had turned into a half-dead dominant" Grayson instantly paled at his words. His mind buzzed with all the memories of his haunting dreams of what a monster Alexandrielle will turn. He knew he should've prevented it, he knew he should've kept her away from the Harrisons despite the deal but he wasn't able to. At that time, he thought he was just dreaming; just a plain dream with no meaning at all. He even thought that Aria is the one connecting with him through the dream, haunting him for not being able to protect her and for treating her ideal grandchild so badly.

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