Chapter Three

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A few hours had passed before I decided to wander downstairs to see Damon having a drink and playing on his phone.

"Well hello brother, can see your life is full of excitement" I sarcastically say.

"Today is a good day. For once I don't have to worry about others" he states.

"Oh so touching" I roll my eyes pouring another drink.

"Anastasia!!" I hear my name being yelled as a smirk plasters on my face. Lights, camera, action.

"Hello Stefan" I turn holding the glass of liquor in my hand.

"What the hell?! What gives you the right to feed on Elena? On my girlfriend?!" He yells at me speeding up to me.

"It sounds like you need a drink" I pass him the glass giving him a wink as I push past him.

"Oh hi Elena" I smile at her as she stands with her arms folded and a scarf around her neck.

"Ooh yeah sorry about that" I look at her as she stares back at me.

"Don't say it if you don't mean it" Elena whispers as I'm intrigued with her comment.

"Okay, I won't. If any of you emotional fucks need me, I'll be in my room." I say to them all as I speed upstairs. Why am I even staying here? I'd rather be in New York, surrounded by fresh blood everyday. Not in this shitty town; which I left for a reason. I lay on my bed thinking about life. The boring thing about having no humanity is that when I go through old memories I feel nothing towards them. It's like reading a blank book. Life is so great. I close my eyes as I try to sleep. Sleep is the only thing that gives me release.

My body twitches as I wake from my little power nap. I stretch out as I sigh softly. I could hear a commotion downstairs which interests me but I was more so hungry for flesh. I leave my room wandering down the stairs preparing to leave. The fire was lit in the main lounge room and I could hear voices echoing around. I jump slightly as a figure pops around the corner inches from when I was. I look up to see a man of around 23 looking back down at me.

"And you are?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Elijah. Pleasure to make your acquaintance" he gives me his hand to shake.

"An original I'm guessing?" I shake his hand.

"Yes, and you are?" He asks,

"None of your business" I say walking past him as I enter the lounge room.

"I'm guessing you're a relative of the Salvatore's hence the feisty attitude." He comments following me into the lounge room where Damon and Stefan were mid sentence.

"Yes, Stefan's twin actually. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out"

"And you are talking to an original. Sorry about her, she has no filter." Damon apologises for me standing in my way.

"She switched off her humanity I see?" He smirks.

"Actually fun fact, it never turned on" I peek out over Damon's shoulder to make eye contact with the stranger.

"It never came on? Well that's odd" he comments.

"It is, isn't it? A mystery that can't be solved. Now if you could excuse me ladies, I'm in need of some blood." I sarcastically smile at them. I walk off exiting the lit house and into the darkness.


"Now, tell me, how does it feel to have watched all your friends die?" I whisper at the young girl sitting there, unable to move as I stare into her eyes.

"Please don't kill me" she cries. I sigh as I stand, wiping some blood from my chin though I had much more there. I kick a stick into the open fire  where dead bodies lay near.

"The bad thing about me not having my humanity for you mortals is that, I don't know when to stop. But the good thing for me is that... I don't care. And feeding is such a satisfaction I just can't stop." I look over at her feeling my veins curse through my body. I go to attack her but is stopped by a voice.

"Looks like you've had fun" they say as I turn to see the Elijah guy standing close to me.

"What are you doing here?" I question as the girl sits there unable to move.

"I could smell blood and got interested" He shrugs as he looks over to the girl.

"Oh Anastasia, terrifying a poor young girl" He shakes his head at me as I look at her. Of course my brother's had to spill my name to him, can't a girl have a little bit of mystery?

"Oh well, I like my dinner with a bit of emotion" I smirk stepping towards her.

"How about we go for a drink at the bar instead? It looks as though you've had enough blood." Elijah gestures to all the dead bodies as I stare at the girl.

"But I'm still hungry" I hiss wanting to tear the girl to shreds.

"Come to the bar with me" He says again as I turn to him, staring as he puts his hands in his pockets. My eyes peer down having everything go through my mind like a bee buzzing around it's nest.

"Forget this ever happened and leave" I look into the girl's eyes as she stands and leaves. I move back over to him as he passes me a tissue from his pocket.

"Do you just carry tissues around for moments like these?" I sarcastically ask wiping the blood from my mouth.

"Of course, so how about those drinks?"


"So answer me this, why did you want to go out for a drink with me?" I question curiously even though I already knew the answer. It's because I'm so amazing, why else?

"Well for starters you're the sister of Damon and Stefan, former allies of mine. So I thought I'd try and get to know you a bit better. And secondly, I like your attitude" He explains though it wasn't the reason I thought.

"You can thank the no humanity thing for that" I wink at him before taking a sip.

"So you're humanity never came on. That is very intriguing" He hums as he stares at me.

"It sure is. Listen the only reason I'm here is so I could get drink and hopefully get drunk. So, stop talking and drink up" I state lifting the drink to my mouth. I hear him chuckle as he takes a swig of his own.

"I've never had someone talk to me the way you do, they're all scared I'll kill them or compel them. Perks of being an original"

"How touching, I'm going" I put my glass down ready to stand.

"Wait" He puts his hand on my arm as I look at his hand confused.

"Can we do this again?" He questions.

"Why? Did you have fun?" I sarcastically smile as I peer up at him.

"Yes" He replies in all seriousness. I look back down at his hand on my arm before retracting it.

"Pick me up tomorrow at seven" I order him as I stand before walking away. Did I just agree to let him take me out for another drink? Hm... free booze. Well, either way I get them for free. Yay for compulsion!

Having his hand on me felt so odd. Especially because he didn't have the intentions of hurting me. Weird... I speed back home entering to find Stefan and Damon talking to one another and Elena reading a book.

"Hello brothers" I say walking into the lounge room as they look up at me.

"Where have you been?" Damon raises an eyebrow.

"My whereabouts is none of your business" I snap as they all stare at me.

"I'm going to bed" I inform them before walking off. 

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