Chapter Twelve

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I could hear voices come from outside as the door clicks open. I ignore the presence of my two brothers as they walk into the lounge room.

"Hey" Damon says to me as I flick my eyes over to him, Elijah too looking over to my brothers as they get comfortable on the other two singular chairs.

"Welcome home" I blankly say peering up to the clock which reads eight forty-six.

"Where did you guys go on this fine day?" I sarcastically ask.

"I went for a drink at the bar" Damon tells me.

"Classy, and you?" I put my gaze on Stefan.

"Well I thought I'd give you guys some privacy and went to Elena's." He says as I smirk.

"Oh sorry! Were we loud?" I once again sarcastically ask him as he rolls his eyes, leaning back in his chair.

"We'll be sure to be louder next time" I wickedly giggle to myself, putting myself back into my book.

"You're obnoxious, you know that right?" Stefan comments as I close my book.

"Well you're the one who made me like this" I smile at him sardonically.

"You can't keep using that against me Ana. I've tried everything that there is to try!" He raises his voice getting defensive. I remove my legs from Elijah's lap, so my feet were planted on the ground. I lean forward, glaring at him, having the urge to snap his neck.

"Well try harder! I don't want to be like this!" I yell at him.

"Well obviously you do! Otherwise you wouldn't be stuck like this! You-" He shouts back ready to continue his rant but I cut him off.

"You don't understand Stefan!" I stand to my feet, wanting to look more dominant. But just like twins do, he copies me, standing and folding his arms.

"I can't stand being like this! To go everyday not being able to feel the simplest emotion! I've wanted to kill myself because of this, because of who I am but because I don't feel guilt or because I don't feel depression, I don't! I just go out and kill someone else! Because that's what I am! I'm an emotionless, killing machine, who is an obvious lost cause." I begin to lower my voice as I step towards my brother.

"So don't tell me that I'm not trying. Because I am" I clench my jaw before quickly grabbing his head and snapping his neck.

"Ana!" Damon yells as Stefan's body drops to the floor. I stare at it looking at his stupid jacket he's wearing.

"What the hell?" Damon says as I continue to stare at Stefan's lifeless body.

"Oh relax, he'll be bright eyed and bushy tailed in a few hours" I roll my eyes as I turn to Damon who looks at me in disbelief. I sit back on the couch next to a quiet Elijah who was just spectating everything, looking as though he was deeply thinking about something. Damon helps Stefan onto the couch so when he came to, he wasn't on the floor.

"All the arguing has made me hungry. I'm going to go get something to eat. I'll see you tomorrow or whatever" I say to Elijah as I get ready to leave. I feel Elijah grab my wrist as I turn to him.

"Don't do anything reckless okay? I'll see you tomorrow..." He orders me before kissing me gently. He leaves the house in a split second, having me stand there on my own. I listen carefully as I begin to pick up something coming from a house not far from mine. Is someone having a party? Yum.

The best part about big parties is that, half of the party is inside and half is outside. And last time I checked, we don't need permission to be in someone's backyard. Besides the fact I compelled some teenage boy to follow me into the bush while I feed on him. I step back as his head falls to the floor and blood runs from my chin and onto my chest. Oh, I just got this shirt! I lightly kick his body before putting a few leaves on top. Oopsies... Now time for seconds. I sneak up behind a group of people, each holding a drink, all pretty drunk. I tap the shoulder of one individual having them turn and showing me their pretty face.

"You're going to come with me" I compel her as she does exactly that.

"Don't scream, don't run" I decide to drink from her wrist hoping people will think she either died of an animal attack or maybe I'll let her live. She begins to get weak, stumbling as I drink more of blood. I pull away from her arm, looking at the drained girl.

"Go back to the party and forget what just happened. You cut your arm on something if anyone asks" I tell her as I slice her wrist making it look like less of a bite and more of an accidental cut. She walks off calmly as I wipe my mouth. I start walking home, feeling satisfied with what I had to drink. I pass the abandoned hospital, wanting to see Elijah for some strange reason. But he obviously wasn't going to be in there. So, I continue to walk on. I get home, hearing Damon upstairs talking on the phone and Stefan in his room, writing something in a book. God he's a loud writer. I go upstairs and into my room, feeling the aroma of earlier hit me as soon as I enter the room. I wanted him here but I don't know why. I wanted to sleep in the same bed as him without the intentions of having sex but I don't know why. I wanted to see his face but I don't know why. I don't know what's happening to me. Like sometimes I have these weird urges then other times I feel nothing which is normal to me. I lay on my bed wanting Elijah to be holding me. Kissing my body like he was before; like I mattered. I get my phone out wanting to call or text him but I stop myself. I put my phone on charge as I get under my covers, going to sleep.
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