Chapter Twenty

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"But once the cold wore off and spring rose, they realised that things happened for a reason. And from that day forth Sarah and Rose only took in the good and ignored the bad. In their eyes; they were married, no matter what anyone else said." I mumble the last part of my book to myself. I peer up as a frown rests on my face. What! This can't be the ending! I need more! Did they ever get Rose's dress back? Did Sarah's dad ever accept her?! I need answers!

"What's wrong with you?" Damon's voice startles me though I didn't respond. I just sat there with a disappointed expression on my face. I look over at him as he raises an eyebrow.

"How can a book leave you hanging like that? Do you think there's a second one?! Like come on, Sarah had more than enough chances to leave her family! They were so horrible to her!" I groan loudly as he chuckles softly in reply.

"If I find a sequel, I'll be sure to get it for you" He laughs before hearing another voice come through.

"Sibling bonding; how precious" I turn to see Nicklaus leaning on the door-frame.

"Damon, so nice to see you again" His eyes stare into Damon's.

"Nicklaus what are you doing in my house?" Damon crosses his arms as Klaus walks towards us.

"If you haven't forgotten, you owe me Salvatore." His voice becomes husky.

"I don't owe you shit" Damon spits causing Klaus to flash over to him, wrapping his hand around Damon's neck.

"What did you say?" Nick growls.

"Get off of him!" I yell speeding up behind Nicklaus trying to pull him off of Damon. He uses his free hand to push me away, hitting the opposite wall. Wow, original strength is intense. I could see Damon begging for air as Klaus's hand tightens around Damon's neck.

"Now you're going to do this favour for me or death is your next best option" Klaus threatens as I grab the leg of a chair, snapping the leg clean off as I speed up behind Nicklaus, stabbing it in his back. He drops Damon as he lets out a groan. He turns to me, showing the pain and discomfort in his eyes. It looked as though he wanted to slap me; return the pain he is in. He reaches for the piece of wood, pulling it out as he remained silent. It was somewhat sinister to watch. He peers down at the blood covered piece of wood before peering over at me.

"I will return in a day and I will be expecting you to follow every word I say Damon." He states.

"And as for you... You try that again and there will be consequences." He spits before returning the favour by stabbing me in the abdomen. I gasp at the pain as I fall onto him. He places his hand on my head, patting me like an animal.

"This isn't how I usually speak to cute girls but... You're an exception" He mutters before finding myself falling to the ground as Klaus leaves without another word. I hold my stomach as I peer up to see Damon coughing to himself.

"What does.... He want with you?" I squeeze my eyes as I try to compete with the pain.

"He needs my help to get the cure; do you need help with that?" He gestures to the wooden chair leg poking out of my stomach.

"I'm fine" I squeeze my eyes shut as my hand grips the wood. I let out a scream as I pull it only an inch out of me.

"Let me help you" Damon almost begs.

"No!" I practically yell at him. He lets out a deep sigh as I breath in deeply. I place my hands back on the 'stake' as I try to pull it out.

"Ugh!" It felt like something was stuck in my throat not allowing me to scream. I hear a knock at the door distracting me for a brief second before ripping the chair leg out of my stomach with a loud groan. I throw it to the ground as I get up, stumbling slightly as I lift my shirt up, watching the skin heal. I move to the door opening it to reveal Elijah.

Anastasia Salvatore (Vampire Diaries fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now