Chapter Eighteen

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"You have got to be kidding me" Elijah says as we sit in his car.

"What?" I look over to him confused.

"Oh it's um... It's nothing" He shakes his head staring at his phone.

"You can't do that. You can't say something that will obviously attract my interest then not tell me" I groan folding my arms.

"No it's just... Katerinatexted me" He tells me.

"Oh" I nod lounging in my seat.

"Wait, who's Katerina?" I glare at him.

"A very, very old friend" He mutters typing something in his phone.

"How old?" My eyes squint slightly.

"My time" He says to me.

"Why is she texting you?" I shuffle in my seat.

"She's in town" He tells me. I grab his phone from him as I read the texts.

'Heard you're in Mystic Falls' Katerina says

'What do you want Katerina?'

'I've decided to return to Mystic Falls. I've missed messing with the minds of simpletons. We should go for a drink' Katerina says to Elijah and he hasn't yet replied. So I decide to help him out.

'No. I will not go for a drink with you. Stop texting me.'

I hand him his phone back as he reads the text. I could see him smirk out of the corner of my eye before seeing as he starts the car. During the ride back, he tells me some stories back when he was young and how his younger brother; Nicklaus, is only his half-brother and how he's a hybrid and what not; which I already knew he was a hybrid but I didn't know the whole story of how he became what he is now. It was quite interesting actually. We arrive back at mine as the sun sets behind the trees.

"I actually had a really good time" I tell him as we get to the door.

"Me too" He smiles lightly at me.

"Maybe we could end this night in my bed..." I pinch his collar of his shirt as he begins to smirk.

"I like where this is going" He mutters softly as I bite my bottom lip.

"Well you're gonna love this" I whisper as I kiss him. His hands automatically hold my waist, keeping me close to him. I smile against our kiss as my mouth opens wider, allowing his tongue to move with mine. I place my hand on his cheek as I pull away, looking at him.

"I never thanked you" I mutter as my eyes admire his face.

"For what?" His voice low.

"For helping me. I know I can be a pain in the ass and a complete drama queen but the fact that you've stuck beside me I just.... Thank you" I am unable to get the words out. He smiles gently at me as he cups my face.

"You are something else" He comments causing me to go red.

"Shall we go upstairs?" I suggest.

"Sounds like a plan" He winks as I open the front door. We walk past the entry to the main living space causing me to stop as I notice my brothers, Elena and someone else in there, all speaking to one another.

"Anastasia, you're home" Stefan says as I walk into the room, Elijah following me. I see Elena holding Stefan's hand as my eyes dart over to the other person in the room as they turn around to reveal it to be nonother than Katherine Pierce.

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