Chapter Fifteen

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"When I first turned, I didn't understand anything" Elijah admits to me. 

"I know how that feels. I knew nothing when I first turned"

"I think the thing that scared me the most was, I couldn't die" He admits to me as we pull up in front of my house

"Unless you get a stake in your heart" I smirk getting out.

"For any vampire but an original" He says to me as I raise an eyebrow. I don't know much on the originals; just their names and I guess their origin now thanks to Elijah.

"What do you mean? You can't die from being stabbed in the heart?" I question him confused. He pauses for a second looking as though he had other thoughts running through his head.

"No you're right; I can die being stabbed in the heart. I just misheard what you had said" He says with an uneasy tinge to his voice. We get to he front door, waiting as I find the keys for my house.

"I need to talk to your brother" Elijah suddenly says to me as I finally find my keys.

"Which one? Tweedle-Dum or Tweedle-Dee?" I question him with a laugh though he doesn't crack a smile.

"I need to speak to Damon about some... agreements we spoke of the other day" He states in all seriousness.

"Oh um, okay?" I awkwardly reply to him as we enter my house. We go into the lounge room where Damon was sitting with a drink in his hand, as though he was waiting for us.

"Damon" Elijah says as he walks over to him. They begin speaking as I go over to get myself a drink. Stefan walks into the room, joining me in a drink.

"Hello brother" I mutter ignoring whatever Elijah and Damon had to say to one another.

"Hello Anastasia" He replies.

"Do you ever just get the urge to kill someone?" I causally ask.

"No I don't" He mumbles pouring a drink as he looks over to me.

"I guess that's one good thing about being me. Not feeling guilt" I smirk as I grab my phone from my pocket. I scroll through the lies of social media not really caring for the latest trends.

"Elijah can we move this along? I really want us to go upstairs" I yawn bored of waiting.

"All you care about is this damn original" Damon says to me as I raise an eyebrow.

"I don't care about anything" I correct him with a wink.

"You use to" He mutters as I roll my eyes.

"Listen Damon you made a deal" I hear Elijah say to him in a deep tone.

"I don't give a crap about our deal. You weren't able to deliver your part; I'm not delivering mine. That's how it works" Damon says to him as he places his drink down. God what a drama queen.

"You know why I couldn't" Elijah sternly says to Damon. Damon speeds over to the collection of drinks, gripping a bottle tightly.

"You're putting everyone in danger!" Damon turns to him yelling.

"I'm doing what I need to do Damon. You're either with me, or against me" Elijah yells back.

"How about we calm down so I can go upstairs with my boyfriend?" I speak up.

"I don't care if you put me in danger, but I'm not allowing you to put my sister in danger" Damon states.

"Oh relax" I roll my eyes noticing Damon speed off, grabbing something from one of the draws.

Anastasia Salvatore (Vampire Diaries fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now