Chapter Eleven

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I've never appreciated a weekend more in my life. No Stefan banging on the door yelling at me to get up. Damon out of the house, doing something with his drinking buddy, that being my history teacher; Alaric Saltzman. Just me and my careless thoughts.

 I go into the library, opening the curtains, allowing light into the gloomy room. It's amazing how dusty it is in here. Do these boys ever clean? I run my fingers along the spines of the books that haven't been touched in years as I wander around the room. My eye catches something big in the corner, covered by what looked like a table cloth. I walk over to it, curious as to what it was. I pull at the cloth revealing our old piano. I open the fall board, looking at the keys. I could remember so much with this piano yet, I couldn't feel anything towards it. I press one of the keys, extremely surprised that it actually sounded alright.

"I made sure to keep it regularly tuned" I hear Stefan say as I turn to see him, leaning against the door frame.

"I can't believe we still have it" I admit to him as he walks towards me and the piano.

"Give it a play" He tells me as I peer back down to the keys, my fingers touching it softly.

"I... I don't know..." I mutter.

"Come on. I thought Ana didn't care what she did as long as she had fun" Stefan says colliding shoulders with me.

"Don't use my loss of humanity against me" I smirk.

"Well if you decide to play something, let me know okay?" He smiles at me as he leaves. I fold my arms as I decide whether or not to play it. My phone buzzes as I take it from my pocket revealing a text from Elijah

'Hey, I'll be over soon x' He says as I don't bother replying. I take a seat in front of the piano, admiring the keys. I imagined turning around to see my father there, as if my whole life as a vampire was a dream but it was just me alone in the room. I relax my body as I place my fingers on the keys and my foot lightly brushing the pedals. I begin playing the beginning of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, which was a simple piece at first one would think. After a little, I get bored decided to go straight into the third movement, playing a bit of the ending. My fingers move fast as I play the required notes. I remembered the first ever time I played this song. My humanity was off and I was living in a home I had taken over which had a piano. I lived in that home for twenty years. No one ever suspected a thing and my brothers didn't know where I was. For those twenty years, I played the piano and killed innocent people. I thought if I stayed, then there was a chance my brothers would find me, take me home and tell me what was going on with my emotions and why I couldn't feel anything. But they never did.

"Holy crap" Stefan scares me as my hands slam against the keys.

"Stefan what the hell?" I glare at him.

"I knew you were good, I just didn't know you were that good" he admits as I roll eyes.

"That's what happens when you have nothing but yourself and a piano to keep you from spiraling out of control" I spit as he walks up to me.

"I know how to play Mary had a little lamb" He tells me not wanting an argument to fire up. He begins to press the keys allowing sounds to rise from the piano.

"Now that's pure talent" I joke as he laughs.

"I know right!" He smiles at me as I look over at him. My eyes get caught on something as I turn to see Elijah at the entry of the library.

"Elijah, when did you get here?" I question him as I stand.

"Just then, I didn't know you guys had a piano" He comments speeding over to me as he looks at the piano. His eyes meet mine as he smiles softly.

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