Chapter Six

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I do my make-up preparing to leave the Salvatore home. Stefan's home and hasn't spoken to me since his arrival and Damon has been avoiding bringing up what I had mentioned earlier. Neither of them know I'm going out tonight. If they knew I was planning on going out to have a murder spree with an original, they would stake me themselves. As I go to leave, I look back to see Stefan and Elena in the library, sitting on the couch cuddling. I felt nothing. I leave our home beginning my short journey to the abandoned hospital. It wasn't an overly long walk, would have been shorter if I actually used my speed but once again I decided not to. I could see a very faint light from the inside as I easily jumped over the fence and walked towards the building. I move the rotting, wooden door to the side as I squeeze inside.

"Anastasia" I could hear Elijah say as I move the wood back into place. I look to see old chairs placed around where people were sitting on them and booze lined up along the ground.

"You definitely did not disappoint" I state looking at him as he wanders up to me. He was wearing a maroon button up with black pants. He was wearing a black coat but was in the middle of taking it off.

"Excellent" He says suddenly kissing my cheek.

"How about I get some drinks into me first" I mutter, lightly pushing him away from me.

"Sounds good" He comments as I begin to follow him towards the alcohol. I pick up a bottle of vodka, pouring some into the cap and taking a shot.

"Straight to it I see" He smirks as I nod.

"My mama didn't raise no quitter" I joke as I take another shot.

"So, what did you compel them to do?" I question gesturing to the people sitting there as if nothing was wrong.

"I said to them 'You're going to do everything I say. You're going to sit here like nothing is wrong and you are going to mind your own business. When being fed on, do not scream and do not run.'" He tells me as I nod.

"Couldn't have done it better myself" I comment.

A few hours pass and I find myself feeding on some thirty or so man.

"Ana" Elijah says to me causing me to look up with my vein covered under-eyes.

"You're going to kill the poor bastard" He chuckles helping me up. He wipes the blood from my mouth as he stares into my eyes.

"I want to help you find your humanity... No one should have to go through years of not being able to feel anything. You've intrigued me and now you're stuck with me." He says softly.

"You don't even know me" I mutter.

"I know enough... Will you let me help you?" He questions me as I stare at him. Silence fills the room as neither of us say anything. His lips touch mine as my hands cup his face and his arms bring me in closer. I've hooked up with people before and had sex but all of those were simply one night stands. I may not feel emotion but I feel lust and the feeling of satisfaction after sex is too much to not do it. But this kiss wasn't lustful, he wasn't kissing me simply because the he just wanted to bang then leave. No... The kiss is filled with passion. What a shame I don't care. I slam him against the wall before having him speed us around so I was now against the wall. He lifts my leg up and around his waist as his hand roams my leg. His mouth is warm and suddenly hungry as he roughly kisses me. I speed around so the front of my body was leaning against the wall and Elijah's mouth roams my neck. His hands curl around my body, moving up and down the inside of my body. My hands pressed against the wall as I hum softly. A sudden change of atmosphere confuses me as he removes his hands from my legs to one being on my waist and the other pulling my hair out of the way and he lightly kisses the back of my neck. I turn around as he uses his hand to hold my chin as he lightly kisses me once more. His other hand finds its way to mine, entwining his fingers with my own. He pulls away ever so slightly as I peer up at him and he looks down at me.

"It's been so long since I've been touched like" I admit to him.

"Like what?"

"Like I'm fragile" I say as I try to read him. I could see a smile spread on his face as he kisses me again. He once again pulls away as though he was admiring my face. I look down at our entwined fingers taking in the feeling of holding someone's hand.

"Please tell me you'll go out again with me tomorrow. I don't care if it's we do the same thing; I just want to see you again" He says to me as I look back up at him.

"Same place, same time?" I suggest to him.

"Sounds perfect" He replies grinning before kissing me. His hands squeeze mine before relaxing as he pulls away.

"Would you like me to drive you home?" He offers.

"No it's okay, I'll be able to walk home faster" I say gesturing to the fact I would speed home.

"Okay, I'll walk you outside" He states as we begin walking to the entry of the building, still hand in hand. We go through the rotten wood before standing in the cool night air.

"I'll see you tomorrow for our date" he says to me.


"Of course" He answers.

"Okay... See you tomorrow for... our date..." I say feeling weird for those words to leave my mouth. He kisses my forehead, finally letting go of my hand as I begin to walk off, climbing over the fence and wandering down the backstreet. My mind is buzzing like crazy. I don't know what to think. I keep thinking back to what happened and at the time something felt strange but now when I think about it, I feel nothing. I don't get it. He was so gentle with me... It's been so, so long since I've been touched that way. I don't know how to react. I finally make it home, greeted by Damon who didn't look overly happy.

"Ready?" He looks at me as Stefan comes out holding an injection with vervain inside. Oh yeah... I said I wanted them to try and get my humanity back... I look at them both taking a deep breath in before nodding. They look at one another before having Stefan walk up to me putting the needle in my arm. I hiss in pain as the vervain enters my blood stream. I trip over my own feet as Stefan catches me. I fade in and out of consciousness trying to fight it but in the end, I give up.

Anastasia Salvatore (Vampire Diaries fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now