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I plan to make season two 25 chapters just like season one. That will raise me up to 50 chapters. Then when season three comes out next spring I'll add another 25 to bring that total up to 75, thank you!

Edit: Lolol jk, by the time this series is finished I'll probably have over 100 chapters.


You, Levi, and Nick arrived at where the rest of the Survey Corps were getting ready to depart. Nick hadn't said a single word the entire time you three were walking. Hanji had spotted you three then ran up to Nick with a clipboard in her hand. You were assuming she was checking off a list of things needed and necessary.

"Have you had a change of heart yet?" She asked, hope shining through her voice. Nick averted his gaze to the floor and said nothing. Hanji took a deep breath in. "We don't have time for this! You know, don't you?! Will you talk, or won't you?! Make up your mind already!"

"Hey, Shitty Four Eyes, calm down, will you?" You intervened, pulling Hanji away from Nick's face. You leaned her down to one side so that you were level with her. "Whether you like it or not, if he's adamant on keeping his damn mouth shut then let's just leave him until the guilt drives him to insanity. Whether that'd be ending his life or someone else's." You whispered it quietly into her ear. A look of shock flashed across her face.

"That's cruel, Y/n..." She replied, but you just stared at her impassively.

"It's a small price to pay when over half of humanity is dead because of people like him," you retorted. Hanji slowly looked down and thought for a moment.

"I cannot say anything," Nick finally spoke up, causing you and Hanji to look at him. "The other believers are the same as I, and that will never change." Hanji stood to her full height.

"Well thanks for nothing! We're so grateful for all the help you've been!" Hanji exclaimed while turning and walking away.

"It's too great a decision for a single person to make," Nick continued, causing Hanji to stop. You sighed quietly and pulled down your hood. "The Order of the Walls must always adhere to the sacred will we're bound to obey." 

"Whose will? God or something?" Hanji asked.

"I cannot say anything." Nick closed his eyes.

"Then what the hell was the point of that..." You muttered to yourself, a little annoyed.

"However, I can inform you of name, who under their sacred will, we were instructed to monitor."

"Monitor?" Hanji repeated questioningly.

"That person joined the Scout Regiment as of this year," he went on, finally opening his eyes. "Their name is..."
You heard the door open and a person step inside. You looked behind you and saw a young girl with a ponytail, and a letter in her hand.

"Excuse me!" She exclaimed, stepping in the room. "104th cadet corps! Sasha Braus!" She introduced herself. You hummed quietly to yourself.

'Sasha, huh?' You thought, seeing her walk up to the others and try to hand the letter over to Hanji.

"For fucks sake just take the damn note from her!!!"

"What do you mean you can't take her on?"
Rhea was standing in front of Elijah who was nervously sitting on her bed.

"I never really had the formal training, so I..." He trailed off, too afraid to go on. Rhea growled in frustration.

"I have given you everything you have ever needed and wanted, and you repay me by letting her go?" She asked, her voice lowering and her eyes narrowing.

"It-It's not my fault! You try fighting her!" He defended. Rhea scoffed.

"Please. She's afraid of my mere presence, there's absolutely no way in hell she would be able to touch me," she replied smugly, sitting on the opposite bed and sighing. "You will receive training. Formal training." She relaxed a little. Elijah tilted his head.


"By me."

You and the rest of the Corps that went were riding your way to Utgard Castle in Wall Rose. However, you rode uneasy. You were feeling weak vibrations through the ground that were heavy enough to signal a large group of titans. You hadn't vocalized this feeling though, knowing Hanji and the others already had enough to worry about. You had parted from Levi and the others a while ago. You still hadn't gotten over the fact that Levi was curious about you. He had been an asshole to you for the first couple of weeks, what happened? What's up with that quick mood change towards you? Unfortunately, you had no time to think about it. The vibrations grew stronger and the uneasiness grew too. The closer you rode to Utgard, the closer you could see dust.

'I see... titans must've invaded here... but why?' You thought, riding closer and releasing your hooks. Once the group of you got close enough you saw the castle in complete ruins and titans littered everywhere. You shot your wire into a titan and jumped off your horse, killing the titan with your sword. The rest of the Corps were taking care of the others as well. You landed on a pile of rubble and looked over to the wall that was about a mile away. Looking closer, you saw cracks in the moldings of the wall. Like when Annie had tried to scale it. Except Annie hadn't left her crystal. Your eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"Was something... trying to climb up it?" You said out loud, quietly. You looked over and saw the others had regrouped with everyone. How many titans had come here to knock down the castle like this? Titans can't move at night, so was something controlling them? Looking over towards the right, Ymir was lying on a piece of stone, her arm and leg bitten off with Krista right next to her.

'So... Ymir's like Shitface too, huh?' You thought, pulling your hood tighter over your head. You walked over to the rest of them.

"Red... what were you doing? It was like you were completely excluding yourself," Connie said, being the first one to spot you.

"What I was doing is none of your concern," you replied. You looked over towards Reiner and eyed his wound. "What happened to you?"

"Oh... my arm got bitten. Thankfully it's only a broken bone," he replied, looking down at his arm. You stared at him and Bertholdt with intense eyes, though they didn't know.

'Something's... off.' You thought, turning your head and looking back at the other three.

'It seems some interesting things happened here at Utgard Castle... too bad I wasn't here to enjoy it.'

Ja ne!

   {Ruby Red}

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