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Edit: Don't let the popularity get to your head lolol

"Is that a threat?"
You and Cordelia glared at each other, except there was arrogance and smugness in her eyes.

"Yes, it is," she replied. Her voice was light and airy, sounding almost innocent to the unsuspecting victim. You growled lightly.

"What will you do if I say yes?" You asked, calming yourself down even if it was a little bit.

"Absolutely nothing. Nothing will be found out, you'll still have your reputation and your dignity, and we'll have satisfied our father. Even with the circumstances," Cordelia replied as if it was the easiest thing in the world.

"What will you do if I say no?"

"Easy. You'll be forced to be executed, Levi will be killed as well, and all evidence of you ever existing will vanish."
Your eyes narrowed to a dangerous glare, but it didn't seem to affect her.

"What will it be, Y/n~?" She purred out your name rather seductively, but you hadn't reacted facially. You have never hated someone so much before. The absolute fury and rage that swirled around your stomach when she talks is unimaginable. You took in a deep breath to make sure you didn't snap her neck right then and there.

"Unfortunately I'll have to think on this... generous offer." The amount of strength you had to muster to get those last two words out would shock anyone who asked you. Cordelia hummed in satisfaction.

"Alright. I'll give you two days. I expect an answer no longer than that," she agreed, stepping away from you.

"Fine. I'll be back." You turned away and walked away from the two without another word. You walked up to the butler who was standing near the wall and took all of your weapons from his hands. Cordelia watched as you strode out of the mansion and back outside.

"Calcifer," Cordelia called. The butler immediately walked to her side.

"Yes, Lady Cordelia?" He replied.

"Summon Elijah."

You rode back into the stables at HQ and got off of Star before you placed her in the stable.

"Where were you?" A livid voice yelled. You turned your head and saw Levi marching up to you with a panicking Hanji behind him. You sighed and turned towards him and placed your hands on his shoulders when he stomped up to you.

"First off, calm down. Second off I was in Sina," you replied, removing your hands from him. Levi's brows furrowed.

"Why were you in Wall Sina?" He asked, calming his voice. You groaned lightly and grabbed his wrist.

"We have a lot to talk about," you replied as you began dragging him behind you. "Hanji! Please take care of Star." Hanji wilted to the ground.

"They offered you what?!" Levi hissed, clenching his hand in anger. You rubbed your temple and sighed quietly. You knew this was going to be his reaction, but you're way too tired to deal with it. And too stressed.

"Don't get your dick in a twist, Levi, I didn't give them an answer," you replied, trying to calm the livid man down. Even though seeing Levi angry amused you, you didn't want to have to deal with his ass when he's flipping tables and shit.

"A polyamorous relationship with twins? Are you crazy?" He said to you. You bit back a growl at Levi's seemingly irrational behavior.

"I already told you, I didn't give them an answer. That's why I'm here talking with you," you explained calmly, your emotionless façade beginning to crack. Levi growled and pushed off his desk, running his hand through his hair frustratingly.

"What did they say they'd do if you said no?" He asked, halting his pacing and turning his head to you.

"They'd exploit my eye to the public, kill you, and completely rip my dignity away from me."
Levi sighed and tried to calm himself. Nothing will change if he gets angry. He needs some way to help you.

"Have you figured out a plan?" He asked. You deadpanned at him, utter bullshit written on your face.

"When have I ever made a plan, Levi? I'm the type of person to wing shit."
Levi rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Hanji and I will create a plan. All you have to do is say yes."

"Woah, wait, I'm supposed to say yes?!" You immediately shot out of the chair and glared at him. Is he really suggesting you agree with marrying twins? Getting with a guy and girl seemed... impractical to you. Not to mention, you've known them less than one day.

"Calm down. As if I would allow you to marry some blackmailing little shits," Levi explained, trying to calm you down and not get killed. You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose.

"So I say yes... what happens then?" You asked, finally calming down. Levi hummed.

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

"Levi you fuckwad!"

You sighed and leaned up against your headboard in the basement. Thoughts were swarming your mind like annoying flies and it seemed you couldn't swat them away.

"Y/n?" You pulled away from your thoughts to look up at the brunette in front of you.

"What is it?" You asked back, seeing him sit up in his bed.

"Are you alright? You seem... tense," Eren asked. You had relaxed your shoulders that were tensing without your knowledge.

"Yeah... I'm fine, just thinking," you replied. Eren nodded slowly and sank back down into his bed. You sighed and rubbed your face. You've lost count about how many times you've sighed today. You stopped at about thirteen.

'What are you going to do, Y/n?' You thought.

'How is this even going to work? Maybe this is a trap... but if I decline Levi will be killed. Pfft. As if. If the threat did loom over our heads, I would never leave Levi's side.' You lied on your side. If those two are planning something, then you'll find out too late to try and do anything. You probably will have to wing it. You sighed through your nose and closed your eyes. This definitely will be interesting.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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